Favourite Quotes

This may have already been a topic but i thought i would bring it to life again! What are your favourite quotes>>

I love the one where Ray and Fraser are talking to the man who is going to jump off the roof in "Hawk and a Haandsaw" an Ray says "Your motto is, We always get our man," Fraser says "well actually ray it's maintain the right" and ray give him this look and says his name and Fraser goes "yes, yes it's is we always get our man" classic...

whgat are your faouvourites..

"Oh Free,To be what I will, Oh Free,I`ll keep it up till,I`m Free,But I wont have nothing at all"


Just a few quotes Benton's father told him:

"Never chase a man over a cliff"
"Never judge a book by its cover"
"A man with no future will always run to his past"


those are great too,i can't remeber the specific line but i like all the lines that reference back to when Ben "licks" the mud in the pilot! those are always great cause you remember that scene which as far as i can remember had great quotes in as well!

"Oh Free,To be what I will, Oh Free,I`ll keep it up till,I`m Free,But I wont have nothing at all"


I like when Ray's making fun of that. 'How did your dad work these things into daily conversation? "Oh, look, son, that's a big moose, and by the way, a man with no future will always run to his past"!?'

I caught myself smiling for no reason again today and realized I was thinking about you.




"You're engaged to a deaf, mute Mountie that you didn't rocognize?"

That was funny enough, but Fraser's next line made sausage from the pizza I was eating come out my nose! (which is painful, by the way)

"perhaps I can explain..."


YES FROM THE SAME EPISODE....the lady who is like "if you don't want him I'll have him.." and he husband turns and says "HEY!" OMG Epic...

or when fraser tries to speak street!

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


Can't beat "Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray!

It's Eyre. As in Jane.


oh yes...i am with you on that one sellieeyre.... I also love the "Dot it, File it, Stick it in a box marked done..." love that one

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


whats the episode where fraser calls someone a nosey parker??

Tracing one warm line through a land so wild and savage and make a Northwest Passage to the Sea


watching the Pilot (found the entire series in one Box for like $10)

and there is a line toward the end when the Native Guy Shoots Gerard (the bad guy), he walks through the scene from out of nowhere, pauses by Fraser, says,

"Sorry, I thought he was a Caribou. So many hunting Accidents these days."

and he walks off. I don't know it was the deadpan delivery, the fact it was a call back to Gerard's Cover story or Both, but it made me chuckle


Wow, I just came out of my coma". 

These go to 11.


My favorite has always been when Ray flings himself into the mud when Fraser yells "DUCK!"

... and then points to a duck.

Ray: Duck doesn't mean duck.... Duck means DUCK!
