Adult Swim?

I was just thinking, that to replace Futurama (now on Comedy Central), Adult Swim could acquire the rights to air Duckman (which ironically also aired on CC at one point). And while we're at it, have Father of the Pride come to AS as well.

Who thinks this is a good idea?


Duckman on Adult Swim would be so sweet! I haven't seen Duckman since it aired on Comedy Central late at night...well, except on YouTube of course.

I'm old enough to know better but too young to care.


It'll never happen and if it did, it wouldn't be for a long time. Sadly, AS either has no money to acquire series from other networks or it just wants to focus on creating its own original shows. Its a shame they don't acquire more programming from other networks. Theres really some great animated shows out there that you can't see anywhere. Putting them on AS would be a great fit. I really wish they would too because most of their recent original shows have been garbage.




the folks at [adult swim] are doing everything they can to acquire syndication rights to air the simpsons. cross your fingers, but don't hold your breath for it to happen anytime soon. and watch out for those mixed metaphors.

duckman on [as] would be totally awesome.

now i'm gonna go watch some duckman on youtube.


I actually find it more likely that Comedy Central would be airing the Simpsons (they got Futurama already, so why not the Simpsons, since Matt G. created both shows).

And AS should also acquire Dilbert, TV Funhouse (the Comedy Central series) and Game Over.

Also, AS should start airing more non-anime movies that are nonetheless animated flicks aimed at adults, like Bebe's Kids, Cool World, the Fritz the Cat series, Hey Good Lookin', 8 Crazy Nights (air at Holiday season), and A Scanner Darkly.



I'd rather see Duckman on AS than the Simpsons. You can watch the Simpsons on tons of channels all times of the day and AS is also playing Family Guy, American Dad and King of the Hill...I don't want them to become the Fox only network cartoon show...No channel plays Duckman.



Duckman would fit in great on Adult Swim, as long as it found a decent timeslot. I'd also be glad about it being introduced to a new crowd of people... I'm always surprised when I talk to someone who doesn't know about it.
