Love Triangle

After Jonesy caught Ben and Susie, this time, Susie will catch Jonesy with a woman. This is really confusing.


I really hate it. I just want them to get together and be done with it. It's killing me.

Thankgod for model trains


I know, but i guess this is moving the story along slower so they can develop the relationship. i think the episode where Susie catches Jonesy will be aired on the 11th August. They probably will get together because Ben is leaving so maybe it will be like a reconciliation,lol.


OMG, i couldn't help but feel that Susie is a bit slutty (plz don't take it the wrong way)but she's been attracted to Jonesy for a while and they never got into bed, whereas she's liked Ben for one episode, and they hop in straight away.



But she doesn't even like Ben!!! Did you see last night's episode? She was all upset, even when she was in bed with Ben. She loves Jonesy and she's screwed it up!

Thankgod for model trains


Well thats her fault isn't it, jumping in after the first date. If she doesn't like Ben, which is pretty evident, then why on earth would you hop into bed with him. That just proves the point even more.

Speaking of ben, remember the episode when he and Falcon Price's wife "got it going". Is he some sex crazed maniac,lol. If u ask me, Jonesy much better looking,lol.


hahahaha. Ben gets in the middle of everything! He got in the middle of PJ and Maggie because he loved her. Oh, I have a question about them. I'll start a new topic.

But Geez! anyone see tonight's episode? I have never seen Blue Heelers get that graphic....

Thankgod for model trains
