Bens Goodbye

Unfortunately Sgt Ben Stewart(Paul Bishop) leaves our screens this week the impression im given from TV Week is that our favourite Sarge is going to shoot himself. I hope this is just a roumor and that Ben is transferred and will make a few guest appearances in the near future

Allen Scott you were wrong-Mark "Choco" Williams


That would be great, if he just left, but i have the feeling that he is going to kill himself... He has had a bit of a hard time on blue heelers, cause he likes Maggie but she is with PJ, he looses his kids cause his wife gets custody and finally Susie rejects him...i think it is finally 2 much for him...but it is a shame to see him u think susie will end up with Jonesy?


I hope Susie and Jonesy get it together, but I don't hink it will be till next yr. lol.

I hope Ben doesn't shoot himself. I mean, as much as I don't like him, they have had way too many deaths. And especially recently. I think he should just move away. If three people hadn't died a few weeks ago, I would definately say "kill himself", because it would make a great storyline... I just don't know. We find out in 45 mins!

Thankgod for model trains


wow, what an unexpected twist, almost an anticlimax. i suppose it was better he didn't die. meanwhile, after what Susie said to Jonesy and Ben, do u think she will end up with Jonesy?
