Am i the only person who watches BH and thinks that the spunk of the show (PJ) deserves a break?!...i mean has the guy ever had any good luck? 1st he looses Maggie (the woman he has loved for Lord knows how long!)and then after a time he is with Jo and it looks like he might be happy again... and THEN they kill her! it is just unfair....can't the poor guy ever be happy... do u reakon the end of the show will be @ the end of season 12? if so i hope they leave PJ, Tom and Susie all happily ever after...


Yes he does deserve a bit of a break. He's a bit of a jinx though, don't you reckon? He gets engaged and then they die! I pity the next one (who I suspect will be Amy) but for the moment, can't he just cry or something, maybe show some sadness at having lost Jo?


he'll always love maggie, i think that was demonstrated in one of the episodes before jo died...DAMMIT why did they have to kill her off! I'm too much a fan of the old episodes :(


yeah me 2...i agree they were the best...the episode were Maggie dies...oh my gosh, i was in tears....i think that PJ will probly end up with Amy next as well...but something im not sure on is, was Jo pregnent when she got killed? Cause i didnt see much of the episodes leading up to it...One of the saddest things about her death, was that the last thing she did b4 she openned the backpack 4 clancy was look @ the picture of maggie on Toms desk... i felt so bad 4 her, but i think the reason PJ doesn't do anything is that if he does he'll just be overcome, cause the poor guy never got over Maggie and then he looses the next best thing...


I love PJ also (named a goldfish after him, thats how deep my admiration goes, lol!) but I HATED the episode where Maggie died, purely because it was a terrible rip-off of Catherine McClemens character's death in Water Rats! But Jo's death was really sad, and yes, she was pregnant. Poor Clancy though, he was a Blue Heelers institution and now he's gone forever...*sob*!


yer, i didn't like it when she died either. Would u prefer if tyhey told u that a character was gonna be killed off, or would u prefer they didn't tell u. I mean, we all knew that Maggie was gonna die and same with Jo.


With Maggie it kinda came as a shock to me, because months before they had spoken out about Lisa McCune leaving the show and there was heaps of speculation about how Maggie would leave. I read about 50 different articles that quoted the producers etc saying that she would not be killed off so she could possibly come back in future episodes....

lol. Ah well.

Thankgod for model trains


I never actually saw the episode where Maggie died. But when I heard, I was crying my eyes out. I know Lisa had other commitments, but couldn't 'Maggie' have been relocated instead of killed by her psycho brother (is that right??)?

And as for Jo, the same thing happened. Jane had commitments to the stage so she went and popped her cloggs. POOR PJ!!!!

But what really got me is that they killed off Clancy (and long-time favourite of mine) He was a lovely bloke and THE MOTHER@$*&ERS GO KILL HIM OFF!! That really put the cat among the pidgeons for me... *grrrr*

But, on the subject of PJ's Jinxes, what about poor old Tom??

I mean, he was happily maried to Nell for god knows how long and she died, then Susan (his daughter) ran off, leaving Tom with his Grandson for three months and then comes back with her new husband and claims her son back and Tom has a heart attack and she doesn't give a flying f&$^ about it. Then Tom falls for Grace and I thought "Yay! Toms happy again!!!" and then those mongrels rape and kill her after the station blows up, leaving Tom a bitter twisted man. WHEN WILL THE TORTURE END?!?!?!

God dammit, Hal! Give Tom and PJ a break!!! They've been through hell and back and yet you still put them through the trials and erors as if nothings occured!!

On a happier note, though, congratulations to Jon Wood (Tom) on 'Dancing With The Stars' you did great and you were brilliant, mate!!

"Take Two Jelly Beans And Call Me In The Paper Bag."


I haven't seen Blue Heelers for a few years. How did maggie die?


Maggie (short for Margaret) Doyle was from a family of cops. Her father, Pat, is, and brother, Mick, was a policeman, while her other brother, Robbie, was dismissed from the force after he was caught stealing heroin to support his drug habit. After promising he had kicked the habit, he came back into Maggie's life in mid-1997, hurting her and her friends as he lied and stole to fund his addiction. He was sent to jail at the end of 1997, but escaped in late 1998, eventually saving Maggie's life before he was killed by her kidnapper. These events served to bring Maggie closer to P.J., with whom she had been sharing an on-off relationship for the previous two or three years. P.J. proposed in late 1999, and Maggie accepted. In 1996, though, she was involved in a serious relationship with her law tutor, Roman Kellerman, until P.J. told her he was cheating on her. Maggie has endured quite an ordeal during her time at Mt. Thomas. She has been abducted several times, has survived a few murder attempts, been trapped in a mine (albeit with P.J.), been placed in the Witness Protection program and much more. In early 2000, Maggie's life was placed in jeopardy after the case that put her into Witness Protection came to trial. Maggie came into possession of a disk containing the names of people involved in a drug ring, and because of this, she was killed before she was able to marry P.J. (for a summary of this episode click here). It was later found that her surviving brother, Mick, was her killer. Mick was subsequently killed by their father, Pat, meaning that all three Doyle children have been murdered.

Excerpt from BLUE HEELERS INFORMATION SITE ~ http://members.optusnet.com.au/~salsop/bhis/bh_new.htm

"Take Two Jelly Beans And Call Me In The Paper Bag."


YES!!!!!!!! they really should give PJ and Tom a break! Did u see the last episode of the season when the were talking in the locker room about their bad luck with love? It was one of the very few episodes i've seen recently were PJ mentions Maggie and it always has the same effect on me- i was near tearts- the poor guy!!! But i think it really was effective to show the pain that they both have been through, cause even when PJ was with Jo he still thought of Maggie as his true love, and dreams about her...and Tom will alway still think about Nell even though he was so happy with Grace...i mean GIVE THEM A BREAK!!!! My hope for the end of the series, which i think may be in the next yr or so, is that both PJ and Tom end up HAPPY, and i also hope Jonsey and Suise finally get it together!


Hi rio lover - glad you liked that scene in the locker room ... because I wrote it!! I've been writing Heelers since it began, since PJ and Maggie first flirted, since Pj lost Maggie, since his life went pear-shaped, since... but you know since you've been watching. PJ and Tom will both end up happy - but it will be more complicated getting there than you might think (isn't life like that?) As for Jonesy and Susie ... stay tuned, it's about to get veerrryyy interesting... there's about to be a new guy on the scene. Stay tuned for bad boy Alex. 'Gemma'.


Hey Gemma, thanks for the reply! Bad boy Alex- that sounds very good!Lol. That is really cool- that you write it! It is great that PJ and Tom will end up happy! What i have found really interesting is that in the past few months is that there has been a huge number of new people coming into the station- its nearly doubled in size! Why is that?!I have 2 say that Jos and Kelly have quickly become favs-Jos is just hilarious! And as stupid as this may seem i have to ask- what storylines have u liked the most through out the show? And who have your favourite characters been, especially to write for? Hope everyone has a good Xmas! rio_lover


you always know if a character is going, like u said we all knew maggie was going to die, shock value would be better is we didn't though...think i would rather know...it's like christmas, i have to know what i am getting before it happens...
