Harry Potter?

Ever realize how similar the premise of Harry Potter is to this? There' s another society that manages to keep itself hidden from humans. The main characters (3 in both) go to a school. There's 2 guys and a girl. The girl is super smart but still hangs out with 2 average students who always pull her into their mischief. And both have characters nammed Krum(m.) Hmm.

What is the use of wizardry if it cannot save a unicorn?


so are you saying that harry potter has copied this? because this came first


HP was first. It was in the process since 1990 and probably was already sent to the publishers by the time this came out.


I was the producer through a very long development and also the production of "Ahhh! Real Monsters" and I can assure you that none of us on the production had ever even heard of Harry Potter at the time. It took awhile for HP to get across the pond (and most of the creative people were Russian and even more clueless than the Yanks about international publishing.) However, great minds, etc.... (And I do LOVE HP.)

Geraldine Clarke


i was just thinking about this. ickis is sort of stupid and obnoxious like ron weasley.


Well, Ickis would preferably be compared to Harry. Actually come to think of it, Krumm sems more like Harry than Ron. And there's a Krum in Harry Potter??


Victor Krum, a german (IIRC) star quidditch player. He should appear for the first time in the next movie.


bulgarian, actually. ;)


I don't know. Ickis has a famous Dad like Harry and has all of these huge expectations for his talent. Krum was the goofy one who admired Ickis and didn't judge him by his father. Sounds like Ron to me.


"Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing."


They're all pretty regular concepts. It's clearly all a coincidence. I see similarities, but only as you've pointed them out, perhaps you have too much time on your hands.


I think Ron is more like Ickis. They both seem a bit clueless and shy at first, especially around girls, but make them mad and POW! You're on the floor counting teeth.


UM, harry potter is a British thing. No way in hell would the writer of the HP series, JK Rowling, see AHH real monsters, since she lives in England. As far as I know, Nick didn't telecast overseas.


Alright, no reason to get worked up. The original poster of the message was just making a comparison, not accusing anyone of anything. I, personally, find the similarities pretty funny. No reason to freak out.


wot the hell?????????

ofcourse real monsters was broadcasted over here lol why wouldnt it?




Cool... glad to see this old post getting some business. No, I wasn't accusing, just pointing out some funny coincidences. And I've thought of another one though it is a long stretch... the Golden Snitch and the Snorch with the Golden Nose Hair! Hehehe. Dumbledore would also look good in red pumps, no?

What is the use of wizardry if it cannot even save a unicorn?


Hehe, I lived in the UK while this had it's run over on NicktoonsUK or whatever it's called. :) Good memories. <experiences a nice wave of nostalgia>


It's crazy that you found a way to compare these two. A cartoon about a bunch of monsters that live in a dump and learn to scare children, and a seven book series about a more special than everyone else wizard boy who's preyed upon by the Hitler of the wizarding world? Oh yeah, I totally see the resemblance. I mean, you must have a lot of free time to just sit down and think of ways two completely different things can simular.


I too noticed the similarities. Hillarious, really. :))


i think the whole comparison is pretty dumb, i cant think of anyone who could relate an animated television series about monsters-in-training with a book (and movie) series about a wizard, thats like comparing "Cat Dog' with the "Odd Couple'

Dont mean to be a jerk or anything, but really. c'mon.


omigawd! odd couple and catdog!
of course!
the messy guy and the neat guy!


Hey, that's a pretty interesting comparison. I guess great minds think alike.

"Ain't no way I'm going in there. What you want me to come out looking like you, cactus butt?" ~ Shenzi


I'm sure purley coincidental, or hindseight connections but hey I can see the connections. A society hidden, a trio that goes to a boarding school, sure. It's sort of taking on a Spirited Away-Pans Labrynth Effect, thoes two movies are often likend to each other

Anime is Forever
