similar movies

Does anyone know any similar movies or TV series that feature magic kung fu and flying, and maybe energy bolts and rays coming out of hands? But it should also feature down-to-earth fist and leg work, just like this movie. I'm basically looking for a similar blend of realistic and fantastic martial arts fights.

(optional reading:)
I'm not a really a martial arts movie buff, but this movie is simply beautiful. Don't get me wrong, I like serious and quasi-realistic martial arts movies - Jet Li's Fist Of Legend or his newer Hollywood movies, some of the Jackie Chan and all of the Bruce Lee films come to mind - but I grew up with the wire-fu of Iron Monkey and the "Once Upon a Time In China" series. And this movie takes it one or two levels further. The music is good, the FX doesn't look bad or CGI-ish.

Actually, as a kid, I used to watch this Chinese series about the monkey king called Song Wu Kong (Journey To The West, Xi You Ji), and there you get to see similar over-the-top scenes.


You might want to try the Swordsman series: xiao ao jiang hu (there's 2 of them) though they're quite confusing (similar to this one)
the comet, butterfly, and sword is similar to this as well : san lau sing woo dip gim

i've seen some other ones but forgot what they're called :P


Legend of the Condor Heroes, it's the the most popular novel by Louis Cha. Actually, this movie is set 100 years after the Return of the condor heroes. All these novels are awesome since they all have some connections (well not storywise but some parts).


In the 70s, the Shaw Brothers did a Trilogy of Films called "Brave Archer" which is about the creator of the Dragon Slaying Saber that this movie focuses on. "Brave Archer" is the shortened version of its source the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" novels. Although, Brave Archer was able to make 3 movies, even then it was convoluted. It was a very beautiful series though. Check it out.


"Zu: Warriors From the Magic Mountain" is very similar; also by Tsui Hark. Just make sure you don't accidentally rent the POS remake (like I did).

Also, I don't think it would be going too far to say that the sense of humor in this kind of film is similar to classic comedies like Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the Muppets Movie.

More idiocy:

