About the soundrack...

Does anybody knows what is the title and who performed the song we hear during the Ending Credits ? (and if I remember, during a scene where all the clans are fighting each others)

I'm sorry for my poor English >_<


Its a duet by Sally Yeh and some not so famous dude. In Hanyu Pinyin its Huan Le Zhi Ge (trans: The Song of Joy).



The music in the movie was really good, I might want it on CD.


Does anyone have the MP3 of that song.

King of the Death Proof board.
http://www.freewebs.com/omecovers/index.htm-DVD Covers


I love the theme song in the film? If anyone can also help me find/download the music I'd greatly appreciate it.


I have the mp3 if anyone is still interested. Its a true mp3...not from the movie, but the exact song.
