Arnie and the water tower

Arnie can't stop himself from climbing up that water tower, much to his detriment. But why in the hell don't the townspeople -- all of whom know Arnie and his inability to control himself -- just lock up the ladder? If Arnie can climb up it, so could a careless child (which is all he is.) It's one of those painfully obvious solutions that is left undone just so that the movie can keep its plot device intact.


That's what I thought as well! Although I thought they should have built a fence, I'm sure he could climb that. Perhaps an enclosed ladder with locked door would be best


or put a fence around the tower?

child please


I agree. And if the family had any sense when they showed up to get Arnie out of jail they should have brought a lawyer to sue the city for not taking care of the issue.

"I knew it. I'm surrounded by *beep*


Good point.

American Horror Story Season 6: Donald Trump


Correction: American Horror Story Comes to Real Life in America: Joe Biden!!
