A good point

After reading a review for this movie, I came across a comment that I thought was very insightful, and personally satisfying in my own attempts to get in the heads of this film's creative forces. I thought I'd share it."These films, best exemplified by the Overfiend series but including such delights as Godzilla and Akira are the product of a cultural consciousness that has seen horrors on a scale few of us can comprehend.  Walking through Hiroshima the day after the A-bomb must have made the worst excesses of Urotsukidoji seem pastoral by comparison.  Those people must have felt that hell had touched them, and films like this are part of the psychic scars this wound has left."Some of you may go "Duh!" but I'm sure someone else will read it and say "Aah, good point!" like I did, and get away from simply dismissing this film as the product of a depraved mind. Do you think such twisted creations as GenoCyber or Violence Jack can be accounted for as a sort of "discharge" from this "wound," as well?


The problem with that theory is all the atrocities japan committed in ww2 before Hiroshima was bombed (Unit 731, Nanking Massacre, comfort girls), its pretty obvious that sexual violence isn't viewed in the same way there as it is here.

Defender of the hate


Interesting. That is some crazy stuff that, until you posted it, I had no idea any of that happened. I don't remember hearing about any of that during high school! With that said, you make a good point...but I suppose we'll never know."You don't understand anything man. Leave your STUPID comments in your pocket!"
