True Romance Fest

Join us in Burbank, CA at the world famous Safari Inn (where the film was shot) for the 1st annual True Romance Fest, May 2 and 3, 2014. A special screening of the film with special guests to be announced. There will also be original movie props on display. More details to come!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

We hope you all can come out and celebrate this amazing film with us.

You're so cool!


Bronson Pinchot has been announced as the host of this premier event. Hotel packages on sale February 3rd


We will be back in 2015! Join us at the Safari for True Romance Fest 2!


A girlfriend of mine told me about this just two days ago. We plan on being there. Dressed up and all. woot woot.

I <3 Emily Blunt


I would love to go to that. I did actually get to see it on the big screen when Alamo Drafthouse screened it to honor Tony Scott shortly after his passing.

"Gold buys a mans silence for a time. A bolt to the heart buys it forever"


Why are they doing it again?


Because everyone loved it last year and wanted us to do it again plus not everyone could come last year.

Join us May 1-2 for True Romance Fest 2 hosted by Bronson Pinchot


Would love to go myself.. unfortunately, I'm damn near on the other side of the country (Louisville, KY). Any website with more info? Any chance on getting any of the others (Slater, Arquette, Walken, etc) to show up?

Wouldn't it be cool if Sam Jackson and Christian Slater both showed up wearing eye patches and wearing "the ring" around their neck? >:)

Even so, make sure to take some pics!
