MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > Is the Sicilian bit true?

Is the Sicilian bit true?

The scene where Dennis hopper explains the ancestry history of Sicilians to Christopher Walken, I am just wondering if there is any truth to it ?

Woodstock, three days of peace and music has been rated R Restricted.


Very true...


Si, certo... forgetaboutit...


The moors conquered several European countries. It is very possible...although you have to dig through a lot of articles to find the specific details.


It's basically true except the Moors weren't black. They had darker features and certainly weren't fair skinned like the northern Italians, but they weren't West African black (though some from this region were under Moor influence for a period of history). Picture Moroccans and Algerians, North African Arabs, and you pretty much have an image what most of the Moors looked like.

The so called "Black Irish" have a similar past of intermixing.


^^^the guy above has it perfectly.

Yes, the Moors did conquer Sicily and ruled it for about 200 years. But the Moors weren't necessarily "black" least not as "black" as the film was implying. They were North Africans and had an amazing ethnic diversity although most of them looked like today's Berbers or Algerians.

And Sicilians were never blond and blue eyed. Even before the Moors came Sicily had been colonized by Greeks and Romans...dark skinned, dark haired Mediterranean peoples.


Greeks and Romans were not dark skinned. While it's true that most of them were not blond and blue eyed, some were (e.g. Alexander the Great).

Proud member of kenZen's precious IMDB ignore list since July, 2013.


OH Come on man!! People should know by now that the whole thing isn't true!!

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


Greeks and Romans were as white as they came until the Turks, Arabs, Moors etc intermixed with them. Learn your facts idiot.


Well, Sicilians are the result of the intermixture between native Sicilian tribes, Italic Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, Vandals and Phoenicians with the Italic and Greek bloodline dominating. Sicilians are a very diverse bunch, there's not one typical ''Sicilian'' look.


Let's get the Moors situation to an understanding. There's been a serious and wide misconception of the Moors or African Moors. The Moors Conquered Spain since 711 A.D. and made a wonderful civilizations there. The Arabs (who are African) came later. The Moors were according to the Spainards were good people. Yes, there was interracial mixing and it exists all over the WORLD!! The Jews came to Spain and they learned a lot from the MOORS. The Moors started Universities, libraries, agriculture, Education, Music and Arts. Yes, they were were warriors and they invented gunpowder. They lived in Spain for 500-700 years. Until, the Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had the Moors expelled in 1492. All of the European countries got the ideas, religion and among many things from AFRICA! The religions Christianity, Islam and Judaisn were adopted from AFRICA! After the Moors were expelled from they either stayed or left for North and West Africa. That's when the Trans-Atlantic slave Trade began. So, what I'm saying to all of you on this topic about Sicilians, the Moors were not villains, monsters,and all they did was rape women in all of Europe. That's false. It's important that all of you should research and read books, educate yourselves and broaden your minds about Africa. Because Africa is the Cradle civilization in World! And that's the truth. Think about it.



LoL, pretty sure the Chinese would disagree with you on the gunpowder part...

"Trying is the first step towards failure" Homer Simpson


The Moors conquered parts of Sicily roughly 1,000 years ago, so it is a bit of a stretch to say that all Sicilians are descendants of the Moors. The Moors were primarily North Africans which look like Arabs for the most part. When he says that the Moors were black, that is definitely not true. The Moors also conquered most of the Iberian peninsula, so by that logic all people who trace their ancestry back to Spain and Portugal also carry the n***** gene.


Nig gers as Dennis Hoppers calls the Moors are not Nig gers True Nig gers never conquered anything, they stayed in central Africa until someone else took m somewhere else. And no, I'm not "racist" as I of course have to defend myself against that these days.


"The Arabs (who are African) came later. The Moors were according to the Spainards were good people."

HAHA what are you babbling about? Moors were NOT black dumbass sounds like you been reading too much afrocentric fairy tales.

"they invented gunpowder"

Nope they Chinese did

"All of the European countries got the ideas, religion and among many things from AFRICA"

What ideas? LOL

"Because Africa is the Cradle civilization in World"

Nope middle east was Babylon/Mesopotamia . You need a history lesson africa has always been the worlds biggest *beep* When europeans went in sub-saharan africa in 18th century people still lived in huts , using bronze age weapons , no paved roads , no cities ,no running water heck not even a written language something which rome had 2000 years prior. The great african civilization hahah gtfo


Yes the most advanced places in the world where blacks "run" things are the most successfull, all of Africa, Haiti, Jamica, Detroit New Orleans and Chicago... oh wait by successful I meant cesspool. Keep talking about Africa as the "Cradle" of civilization, there is nothing civilized about it.




Moors were North Africans. People from northern Africa have notably different features than the "black" people of sub Saharan Africa. Although some people may not think of Arabs as "white", technically the ethnic groups of North Africa are designated as Caucasian alongside the ethnic groups found in Europe and Central Asia.

There's no genetic proof that Sicilians carry more black African blood than any other European ethnic group. Many people from the Mediterranean region tend to have olive skin and dark hair - Greeks, Albanians, Turks, Portuguese, some Spanish and even some southern French while some there have light features too. It is true, however, that Hungarians and some Slavic ethnic groups such as Russians and Poles may have a larger amount of Far Eastern/Asiatic blood. The Roma are largely of southern Asian/Indian ancestry that makes them noticeably different than the other ethnic groups in countries they inhabit.




no its not and i will tell you why
they called the moors *beep*
and the moors were not black
they were Arabs
Arabs are not black, they are also Caucasian like Europeans.
and if you give a DNA test to a sicillian today there results would come out like 97% European,some full.some will have more arab but most don't
i have seen that happen
frank Sinatra was Sicillian, and he was white.


you must forget that people during the ancient in Africa and Europe times looked different than the people today. Western Asia is a part of Africa. And Arabs are African. People say about Arabs appearance because the European Historians wants them to look white.
The African Man or African Adam originate every race on Earth.


And to this ttommy90, Look you should read a book by Ivan Van Sertima Called, "THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE MOORS" and in that book it will tell you the history of the African "BLACK" MOORS.
