MovieChat Forums > True Romance (1993) Discussion > True Romance or From Dusk till Dawn?

True Romance or From Dusk till Dawn?

Which is better?


True Romance.
True Romance and From Dusk Till Dawn are Quentin Tarantinos best movies.


True Romance without a doubt...


Both incredible rides but if I had to choose one...

True Romance. No contest.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Even if i enjoy "From Disk Till Dawn" more, "True Romance" is the superior film.



"True Romance" hands down...


True Romance is so much better that it's ridiculous.

There's nothing the least bit funny about stealing a meal from Neal McBeal the Navy SEAL.


I'll go with Dusk!!! I love the change of genre, the all out gore, the characters. Yet, I also love all those things about Romance, but Dusk is just that more crazy! ;-)

Prepare to evacuate soul.


I'll go with Dusk!!! I love the change of genre, the all out gore, the characters. Yet, I also love all those things about Romance, but Dusk is just that more crazy! ;-)

Prepare to evacuate soul.


True Romance, though I enjoy both.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.


True Romance might be the better film here since it has a stronger script. Ultimately, I gotta say I like both films equally.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
