Pit Durnet..?

Ok, I've gathered as much as he was eaten alive by lions. But who was he, and what exactly happened? Wikipedia doesn't have an article about him, and I don't want to google the name in fear of what I might see :P I'm not a rotten.com freak, let's put it that way. Anybody?


"I don't want to google the name in fear of what I might see "

Well, looks like you're not gonna find anything out then.


hmmmmm - bummer. Thanks for the help.


What happens is this: A man with a video camera(presumably Pit) is outside of his car in a safari park which I believe is outside Africa. Doesn't really matter. He's filming a group of lions devouring a recent kill and gets too close to them. From behind him another member of the pride takes the opportunity to jump on his back and then the rest of the pride gets in on the act and pretty much tear him up slowly. You can see the guy struggle and attempt to get up as this is happening. Apparently someone else is videotaping the whole thing from a relatively safe distance. Occasionally this person moves his camera to take footage of the family members in the other cars as they react to the horrible action. At the end another vehicle quickly drives up to the lions and spoils thier fairly-won meal and they scatter; one of them with poor Mr. Durnets camera. It's probably one of the most shocking yet fascinating bits of video I have ever seen(and I've seen a lot). Cheers!

