Red Asphalt

Traces of Death took so much footage from the Red Asphalt Films. I just saw this movie, and I couldn't believe it. It has almost all of the footage from Red Asphalt III


What footage is that?


Pretty much all of the car accident footage. It also has some scenes from Red Asphalt 2. Just a taste of what was on it:

-The guy missing the top part of his head and having his brains scooped up.

-The man with lying dead with both ankles busted.

-The leg of an injured person that has been scraped to the bone (this is from part II).

-Almost the whole car accident aftermath segment was in Red Asphalt III

Red Asphalt is a series of Driver's Ed. scare films, and like the Ohio state films, they focus on pain and death in car accidents. These have been around since the 1950's. Even though the Ohio films have ceased to be made (Options To Live being the last in 1979), the Red Asphalt films are still made by the California Highway Patrol.

Red Asphalt: This one was made in 1959, and was actually more tame than it's Ohio film counterpart Signal 30. This one focused more on pain than death, but it did have a very gruesome scene involving a dead man having his jaw hanging off of his face.

Red Asphalt II: This one was on par with the Ohio films, and showed charred corpses and dead body's. This films main scenes involved a women whose head had been smashed on the pavement, and a leg that had been skinned to the bone.
It also had a body that had been completely blackened by fire. There was more of course, but these were the worst scenes. This one was made in 1979.

Red Asphalt III: This is the most graphic Red Asphalt I have seen, and surpasses most of the Ohio films (including the new Signal 30 II). This one includes many close ups of nasty accidents, and an astronomical amount of mutilation. Teeth and gums lie on the sidewalk, brains spill out of people like jelly, and other horrors. This one was made in 1989.

Red Asphalt IV: Only two dead people, that aren't that messed up. Most of this one interviews family members, and tries to make you cry more than stare in shock. This shouldn't be a Red Asphalt film. This one was made in 1998.

Red Asphalt V: This is supposed to be worse than part 3, but I haven't seen it. It's supposed to be like a mixture of parts 3 and 4. It has nasty scenes of dismemberment and mutilation, mixed with interviews of the family. This one was made in 2005.

To find out about the Ohio State films, watch a Documentary called Hell's Highway. It has many scenes from all of there films throughout the doc. It also includes 3 of there films uncut. The films include Signal 30, Highways Of Agony, and Options to Live. You can get more videos from The Hells Highway disk set can be had at


My driving instructor told me that those films were faked.

Night Watch/Day Watch fan site -


Nope, they're real.

Does anyone know were I can get part 5?


On what do you base that knowledge? How do you know for sure?

Night Watch/Day Watch fan site -



I got them from Ebay, I was hoping to score part 5 for free.

Kent, watch a film called Hell's Highway for the story on Highway Safety films. They don't talk about Red Asphalt, but they do talk about the history of the driver's Ed film (Ohio's own brand of death films). I also know people that work for the CHP, and they can testify there authenticity. Much of the footage is rather easy to access, and some of that footage is on this movie Traces of Death. I would ask them for part V, but I don't want looking at me in a different light if you know what I mean. Read Asphalt is completely real, and I think you are getting your facts mixed up and somehow thinking of the 85% faked Faces of Death series. I don't think you have ever seen one of these films. Would you like to? I am fairly sure they are public domain, maybe I can make you an .ASF on Megaupload. If you go to (I think it's Sacramento's CHP website) you can see a low quality version of Red Asphalt III (the goriest one).


I live in Ohio and actually saw one of the videos (I think part II, by the description above) as part of my driver's training... it was totally gross, and the first time I saw a dead body on video (before then, the worst I'd seen was B&W holocaust photos).

To me, the worst in the Red Asphalt video wasn't the brain-scoopage, it was the people who were thrown out of their cars and hit the ground so fast that their bodies would bend at the waist and the skin would rip and everything kind of spilled out - SO graphic and disgusting, it definitely scared me into wearing my seatbelt.


I found part III, part V is there on the side as well:

EDIT: My bad, there's no way in hell that that's actually Part V. I guess I should've actually watched it before I said it was. That really is Part III though.


Yeah, still can't find part 5. The California Highway Patrol wants like $25 for it. Red Asphalt should have it's own IMDB page.
