MovieChat Forums > Traces of Death Discussion > Well we know that FOD was fake...

Well we know that FOD was fake...

but what about this?
I was kind of disappointed when I heard that FOD was fake.

Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved through understanding.


Haven't seen this flick, so I basically shouldn't be talking to begin with, but, like others, I would not be surprised if ToD was faked as well. In fact, I personally believe that most of the footage is faked to begin with (not having seen it). I mean, it's easy to make disgusting looking fake aftermath scenes and such, tape them on a variety of film cameras, and then present them as some gross-out shockumentary. I believe the guy at SexGoreMutants noticed the same corpse twice in different scenes (recognizable because of his tattoo or something). In any case, this is the horror movie I'd make. And I'd say it was real, too.


While I agree with you that it is easy to fake a death scene with some corn syrup and some animal guts from the local butcher's shop, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Traces of Death--at least this particular volume--is absolutely genuine.

The reason for this is because most of the footage is relatively well-known and easy to acquire (the Budd Dwyer suicide, the Pit Durnet lion attack, the shooting on Spanish television, etc.) and the still photographs came straight out of crime scene and forensics picturebooks, and are pretty recognizable if you're familiar with them.

I can't speak for the sequels, though.


Your favorite movie sucks!


No, your wrong, the lion attack is fake. It was on a faces of death tape a while back. Don't you think if it was real all the cars and people around would try to do something to help rather than film their friend being eaten? You can also tell it is not authentic by the movement of the camera and the specific shots the audience is shown. A good fake, but a fake.



faces of death is like 90% fake
almost all fake but some is real


How can anyone think FOD is real? It is so fake! TOD is the real deal (well most of it). The lion attack is clearly fake and I have read that the El Salvador death squad stuff is fake. I am trying to find that footage to make my own decision. I remember being so disturbed by that footage. Then I read someone's opinion and breakdown of the footage and it seemed like it could actually be fake.

Anyone know if this footage is on line anywhere?

"Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."

-Andy Dufresne



having just viewed the video I believe that it is at least 90% real although the first autopsy was clearly fake as the person performing it was just randomly ripping out parts with no regard as to whether or not they came out intact in fact he was neither measuring or weighing the organs as he removed them and that is standard policy in any autopsy performed as it is necessary to help determine the pathology of the person being autopsied.


well, he did measure the weight of the brain...


Once upon a time I worked for the original production company. I will assure that all footage is 100% real in, not only this particular volume, but all subsequent volumes as well.

<O> Watch Heroes! _((B))_


There are bunch of autopsy videos around. Dont be suprised if it's real


Faces of Death wasn't entirely fake. Am I the only one who actually took the time of day to watch the special features and learn that much of the footage used was in fact VERY REAL? Puuuuleeeeeeeeeaze. Faces of Death is sooo underrated.


traces of death contains mostly real, but some fake, and all stolen footage. by stolen i mean they just took gory scenes from other videos and threw them onto another tape with cheesy narration and terrible music. a lot of this video is just old as hell footage showing autopsy procedure.
most of it is clearly real in that it is terrible quality and boring. i would recommend NOT seeing it, just because it's sick and you will only be disappointed.
