MovieChat Forums > Tombstone (1993) Discussion > Things You Missed the First Few Times..

Things You Missed the First Few Times..

During the play, Mattie thought the Cowboys were hilarious, especially Curly Bill. When he talked about "Drilling that old Devil in the Ass" she had to cover her face so people wouldn't see how much she was laughing.


I just recently learned that Ike Clanton was played by Stephen Lang. Blew my mind.

Lang didn't even really hit my radar until recently and now it seems like he's everywhere, even movies that are 25 years old.


There's an old movie from the late 80s called "Band of the Hand" that featured Stephen Lang. It's one of those movies that's kind of silly, but back in the day I watched it more than once.


I watched Manhunter the other day and he was the reporter they used. That was like 1984 or something.


I never knew that.


Nobody on this thread mentions Avatar where Lang played the big bad? Also, he was pretty scary as the psycho blind guy in Don't Breathe.

If you go way back, he was one of the best things about the TV series Crime Story.


Let's not forget he was Hap in Death of a Salesman.


LOL. This is true.
I've been annoying my husband for a while, because every time I see Lang in a movie I have to point out that's Ike from Tombstone.


You just blew my mind. I watched it yesterday, and it never crossed my mind it was him.


Doesn't look like him at all with the beard, and doesn't sound that much like him either. If someone hadn't mentioned it to me, I would've gone my whole life never knowing that Ike Clanton is Stephen Lang.

It's weird.


He rarely plays a role so cowardly either. I think that's a lot of it


When Curly Bill makes his bet at the Pharaoh game, Wyatt waits for a distraction (Ike) and moves Bill's chips over to a different card, making sure he wins.
