MovieChat Forums > The Three Musketeers (1993) Discussion > best 3 musketers movie ever?

best 3 musketers movie ever?

what movie is the best version of this story?




haha, you are so right, these cartoons used to kick so much rear. i dont remember who he was but the vilain with the sword he could change as a whip, was very badass.



Agree totally. I would also add there's an arly serialization of the story which was done by the French in the silent era which is very good, but not easily accessible.


The version of Lester 1973-1975 was truly better than this with a great evil Faye Dunaway as Milady and in Sidney's version in 1948 shined a fabolous Lana Turner in same role.


Does anyone remember a musketeer's cartoon in which all the characters were dogs?
But well, this movie is of my personal favorites! But I have to say this is the only musketeer's movie i've seen besides The Man in the Iron Mask and The Last Musketeer.


The cartoon you're referring to is titled "Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds", which totally rocked.
However, yeah, this movie was quite good as well, and so was the Man in the Iron Mask. I have to shamefully admit those are actually the only Three Musketeer movies I've seen though...
