What a disappointment

I enjoyed some things about this movie-- plot, background (even though the scenery was all wrong as someone pointed out in his thread about goofs), and most of the music, but WHERE in the hell did Samantha Mathis get the idea that she could sing? Even Sandra Bullock's character had the sense to give it up when she knew she was a lousy singer.

Did that hurt, Nokes?



I know she was trying to be a songwriter and not a singer, but if I sang that badly I wouldn't try singing anywhere in public. I'm talking about the actress, not the character. I am a professional musician and I know all about hiring other people to make your demos, etc. And if you hire someone to sing your demo, you usually hire someone who sings at least a LITTLE better than you do. I also wasn't criticizing it being set in Nashville. If you go back and read my comment again, you'll see I said that was one of the things I liked about it.

"If the angel's name was Moroni, then why don't we call ourselves Morons?"


She didn't sound that bad. Belive me,i've heard worse.


really? I personally think that she has a lovely voice. But hey, that's just my opinion.


I also thought she sang beautifully. Her voice is not perfect, but I like that - it makes songs more interesting. I really loved her singing.


Samantha has a decent singing voice, I know many people with worse voices have recording contracts. There are many talented songwriters who have limited voices (Burt Bacharach for example) but they appear on television programs and sing their songs.


Well, she wasn't chosen for her singing voice, more her looks I would imagine.


This is where I'm disappointed; I think Mathis is one of the ugliest actresses out there, same way I feel about Martha Plimpton and the girl from Benny and Joon. I don't see how anyone would over look Sandra Bullock's looks over Samantha Mathis', even if Sandra's character was a little ditzy.

This is my signature.


Yeah it's not that good of a movie. And knowing the stuff that went on behind the scenes just makes it depressing. River was in his demise. But I disagree with Samantha having a bad voice. I actually thought she was a decent singer.

How many times do I have to tell you? You don't put a bra in a dryer. IT WARPS!
