DVD Release anywhere?

Has this movie been released anywhere on DVD?


Not that I know of. I believe Lions Gate holds the rights to the film, since they own Vidmark/Trimark, which released this on videocassette in the 1990s.


Just a guess, right? The world has changed quite a bit since 1993. Owners have become the owned in many cases.



Aww, that's a shame. I caught it on TV while I was on holiday (it was too hot to go outside) and thought it was great, was hoping to get it on DVD.

It's F-bomb time !


I bought a beautiful original VHS of this years ago and transferred it to DVD-R using a digital VHS VCR with filters. I keep telling people to keep their VCRs in case of this very situation but I guess they are not true movie fans.


Interesting, I kept my VHS after all these years and when my mom takes the plug of my Xbox (once a year or so) I watch an old VHS.

However, it must be rememberd that VHS picture quality is VASTLY inferior to that of a DVD, so it's useful for reminding you just how fortunate you are to have a DVD player/how grateful you should be for it.
