Non-speakers of Cantonese

Frequently in the discussion of Stephen Chow's movies is the comment that the Cantonese word-play is lost on an audience reading English subtitles. That is true, but despite that, his movies are very funny. I have a number of them, not just his more recent material, but movies from the early 1990s. They're funny even without a complete understanding of the culture or the background of seeing a lot of Hong Kong movies (which I have done). I've loaned these movies to people who have never heard of Stephen Chow, and they find them darn funny.


Very true. But there's yet another observation which you might not know.
I'm myself a cantonese speaker. I realized that not ALL cantonese speakers (esp. those well educated/females) fully understand Stephen's jokes. The reason is that many of his jokes are referential, sometimes subtly, with foul language and/or sex. If one watches it with a "pure mind" or one is not that familiar w/foul language (i mean swearing), then its very probable that he/she will miss a lot! I missed quite a lot when i was watching a child.


True. The English subtitles are way off. This is purely a Cantonese movie, for commoner Cantonese audiences, just like most of Stephan Chow's classics (the stuff in the early 90s. The stuff he makes now are 90% rubbish)


I speak Cantonese but am not at all fluent - I'm almost completely illiterate. But Stephen Chow films are still so incredibly funny. I wonder how much more I'd be falling on the floor laughing if it weren't for my shameful grasp of Canto.
"Let me give that oatmeal
some brrrowwn shugah!"




I don't know
but this is a good question


I don't think you have to understand Cantonese to appreciate his movies, but I'm aware that I'm missing out on a lot. (I only speak some Mandarin...) It's like when I try to explain a joke by a Dutch (I'm Dutch) comedian to someone who doesn't speak Dutch. You miss subtle links that can't be translated as well as a lot of wordplay etc. Having said that, Chow's movies (especially his older ones) usually contain a lot of slapstick which makes it funny for almost everyone.
