
So, since Thomas kept using "pansies" as an insult, are we supposed to assume he's homophobic as well. I guess he was a true Nazi to begin with. It's sad to think about the real boys, men, even girls, with what they could do, who were like this.


Which is such a huge irony (about the Nazis), because a good chunk of Hitler youth (males) were molested/raped by Nazi SS superiors, political party members, and fellow patrons at those little activity camps they went to.

The Nazis were so big against homosexuals, yet 70% of their highest ranking officers were kiddy diddlers! -Go figure.


It is awful. They targeted people who were gay, when homosexuality is not wrong, but then actually sexually assaulted so many young boys.


Vincevega ... would you substantiate your claim above. I have studied European history and have never heard this before. Certainly there were instances and exceptions but I know of nothing that suggestions anything more. Please tell.


That is just a degenerate fantasy invented to cope with "paying forward" the "gift" of (homo)sexual abuse you and others like you received.... in the meantime the Hitler Youth were developing their bodies and God given skills: a basis for the future.


And I am curious as to why you assume that calling someone a "pansy" has anything to do with perceived sexuality? He meant it more (and as many boys do) towards calling them "wusses" - meaning they are unmanly.


It's how I've seen the word used.


You make the assumption that you understand the connotation of the word "Pansies" in 1942 Hamburg Germany. I would argue that you do not. For instance in 1940 America "gay" did not mean homosexual. Check and Mate!


Pansies is a plural form of a wuss or referring to someone weak. It doesn't mean homosexual.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
