
is it that danielle steel's books are always better than the movies? isnt she insulted that these movies are made on her films......when the characters are all wrong, the names have been changed although its the same and the important things in the book are left out or overlooked?

ever seen klaeidascope.....??

if i saw the movie i never would have wanted to read the book......when infact it was because the book was so beautiful i wanted to see the film.


I know what you mean. I watched Star the other day, and they completely left out the trial she went through, and how she got back into acting after she had taken over the ranch. And the part with Boyd and his wife. Whats the point in making a movie on the book, when they left out most of the main story?



I read "Star" about 10 or 12 years ago and loved it. I saw the movie for the 1st time about 5 years ago and thought it was ok, but not nearly as good as the book. I re-watched it today and I really liked it. Though they didn't stay as true to the book as they should have, the movie still turned out to be pretty good.

The work downstairs requires two hands.


I guess the movie would have been too long. What trial? I thought the judgesaid that due to lack of evidence, there wouldbe no trial. I read the book, after seeing the movie. IMO, I liked the movie better. I honestly don't remember the book much.
