MovieChat Forums > Stalingrad (1993) Discussion > watching it again,still not very good

watching it again,still not very good

I watched the dvd of this years ago but lent it to somebody and did not get it back.

I did not think it was very good the first time I saw it (poor story,does not look good,dubbing awful why no subtitles? too sympathetic to the German soldiers,none of whom are pro nazi in 1942? yeah right)bought the dvd again for .80 and giving it another chance but it still disappoints.
I don't know how someone here says it is better than DOWNFALL,PRIVATE RYAN or ENEMY AT THE GATES.

In the film they keep using Soviet machine guns,would this really be a good idea? would they not risk other axis troops firing on them due to recognising the the sound?they would not know the faults of the enemy weapon and in any case was the ammunition available for it?

I don't like the tone of the film,it is like DAS BOOT,to me (a British person who has studied history and whose parents took part in the struggle against Germany,unlike our national hero Mrs Thatcher nee Roberts who managed to avoid any sort of war service)



Of course ENEMY AT THE GATES is not a realistic film,but it is a better film,as a film than STALINGRAD which for a film about one of the worst battles in history has too few battle scenes,and the battle scenes it has don't impress me.

If STALINGRAD is meant to be a serious film it should explain better how the mighty German war machine started to lose the war in that battle.

The film looks wrong,the scenes in Italy are like a holiday commercial and the scenes in Russia don't capture the scale or horror of the eastern front.
Have you seen the Russian film COME AND SEE? that is what I call a war film

I think STALINGRAD is badly made and the angle is too sympathetic to the German soldiers.
I know they were not all nazis (I did study history and have read many books on World War 11,from all sides.)
They were not all nazis but they were all brought up under the nazi state and I don't believe that they were all so lacking in belief in what they were doing during the war,especially when the war was going well for Germany.

You might know that modern studies of nazi Germany show that the nazi police state was not so big as we might think because public support for the war meant that people were keen to report disloyal fellow Germans.

The whole "GERMAN SOLDIERS WERE VICTIMS AS WELL"line is part of the the German history debate which also covers how awful Dresden was and how badly the German prisoners of war were treated.
Some people want to promote the idea that the German army,unlike the SS,was only doing its duty and was not much involved in war crimes but on the eastern front they were nearly as bad as the SS.

This film and DAS BOOT is part of the same process.

I know that soldiers often used the enemies weapons,I also know that they are told not to do so in case they are shot by accident because of the sound(a big danger in urban and jungle fighting),there is also the issue of suitable ammunition but perhaps the Germans used so many foreign weapons because they had captured the guns and ammunition and were not getting enough supplies from their own sources.
You mention reading the memories of those that were there,well yes but you must know that all everybody has a viewpoint to promote and people from nazi Germany and Soviet Russia often want to rewrite history.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion but I don't rate this film as a good film and I don't buy the message it is selling.


You remember how Americans all got up to invade the middle east because they thought they were defending their country. Ok, now imagine that Afghanistan and Iraq are literally on your new border. They've just gone through a violent cue, and are talking about sparking a worldwide revolution.

How hard do you think it would be for an even half-witted politician to convince his country that these two countries were getting ready to invade, that invasion was a necessary preemptive strike to save themselves from annihilation?

This is the 1940's for gods sake, most people got their information through papers and word of mouth. Secondly, if my country invaded soviet russia, for whatever reason, i;d sign up tomorrow- because whether the cause is just or not, what is guaranteed is that if the russians win they will rape their way across your country.

Look, if i see you giving equal amounts of *beep* to the Hurt Locker and American Sniper, ok- because when it comes to the morality of the average soldier, there is very little difference between an American GI in 2002, and a Wermacht soldier in 1941.

"World needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door"


I'm going to assume that "by studied history" you mean you enjoy Wikipedia.

No historian could put Enemy at the Gates or Private Ryan in the same sentence as Downfall.

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!



Just saw your reply,I studied history at the University Of Wales and got a BA degree.
I read a lot and often visit military museums.
I would not use wikipedia as a source.


DOWNFALL is obviously a much better film than the other 2 you mention,a better film and better history (not always the same thing!).

But DOWNFALL,being in German and having a lot of talking heads and assuming as it does some prior knowledge of the history is not going to appeal to everyone.

Enemy at the Gates has a bad reputation but I enjoy it while knowing it is not realistic.

I like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN but I would tell a friend to watch THE LONGEST DAY first.

I am not a professional historian or film critic and I don't pretend to be.

Historians are not film critics and film directors are not historians.


Too sympathetic to the Germans? What the hell kind of statement is that? Its a German film about German soldiers. What did you expect? I for one would like to see a movie that shows the true side of the murderous, raping, disgusting russian troops. This movie did not have a big budget but still did a superb job. And being German I'd like to see more movies showing the German side.


You are a German and you rate this film,big surprise there.

The Soviets did awful things while invading Germany but what about the actions of German forces in Eastern europe and the USSR?

GENERATION WAR and other books and films make the point that Germans who had served on the Eastern Front knew what their nation had done there and they knew what the Russians would do to them when they arrived in Germany.

You can make a film sympathetic to the experience of ordinary Germans without being soft on the crimes of the German state.

Your country since the 1950s has been based on the rejection of the nazi past and this has been the correct policy,books and films which play up German suffering without putting events in context distort the history.

As a film I don't think this was a great film,leaving aside my doubts about the message.


I just got done watching it for I believe the third time in 5 or 6 years. I want to like it. Being a different side of WWII, me being an American. It just doesnt cut it. There is zero character development. Rollo is a country boy who got a cheating wife, an another has big ears. Then the plot is even thinner. The Germans werent all that bad. Wow how original. Really they attacked their ally (USSR). With zero characters you care about, and a paper thin plot the battle scenes better be good.

Fail there too. They first attack a factory and are pinned down by machine gun fire. It almost comical how they deploy. They move all together. stand upright and move slowly. Its almost like watching a John Wayne movie. Then latter in the battle, 2 soldiers encounter Russians and crap there pants. Really. Earlier in the movie they recieved a unit citation in Italy and where a special unit, the Iron Cross. If you know anything about history, SS and Storm Troopers, which this unit was, where extreme tough soldiers and not good people. These men didnt crap there pants and they would have raped that women in the end.

The second battle was alright. Outside they are launching a counter offensive with only 1 truck load of men. Lets protect the lines with 12 men, lol. With those 12 men they take out 4 tanks. How did Germany lose. The whole point of the movie only the officers where bad, and man becomes desensitized to violence in wartime. Oh an war is bad.

Failure all around. Kinda Pro-Germany propaganda. Skip it.
