My fav lines were:

"Stop it, you're makin' me crazy!"

"You are not Jack Sommersby, so why do you keep goin' on pretendin' that you are?"

"I know because -!
I know because -!
I know because I never loved him the way that I love you."

These are all said by Laurel, but Richard Gere is just as great in this movie. These just happened to be my favourites.
I just love the power and seriousness in her voice as she says these lines!

Sorry mister egg. ~ Sam, I Am Sam


Would have to be the sex scene.
Not be purposefully coarse, but that fake orgasm was academy award winning stuff.
I think it would make any man wary before hopping into bed with Jodie.


tee-hee, that's funny!

My favorite has to bee when Foster is trying to get through the crowd at the hanging and Gere is looking for her, asking them to wait, he wasn't ready. That whole scene leaves me sobbing everytime.

The first time I saw that movie I was working at the front desk of a hotel that had a tv in the lobby. It was about 10pm and I was balling, runny nose and all, at the desk hoping no one would walk in the door.

10 years later it still gets me.


I think Jodie is gay anyway, but that scene is a good scene, but you have to think about it, her original husband was crap and it was a surprise to her that this man she loved could make her feel this way so it is kind of romantic and tender as well.


I definitly agree with Elastigirl. The best part was the court scene where Jodie goes through the lines of "I know because"....Not only was it a dramatic moment and well acted, but to me the movie finally made complete sense as to why she let this hoax go on as long as she did.


This has to be one of my favorite movies, but my favorite part has to be the last 20 min of this film. The part in court room I thought was really good especially the line:

"I know because-"
"I know because-"
"I know because I never loved him the way I love you"

That line is just so dramatic and so well acted. Also the part when Richard Gere was testifying against himself just to prove he was Jack Sommersby I thought by far that was his best performance. Also the part when he was in the cell waiting to be hung. The script and the perfomances were amazing during that scene. I love the line:

"No.If you want to hold me then hold me today, and everyday after that. If you love me then you show me. Be a father to our children. Grow old with me, that's what love is."

I am left spechless by that whole scene. Also when the guards were taking him away , and he gives her what I think is a wedding ring and says

"For better or for worse, forgive me the worse."

That part and the part when he's getting hung I can barely watch because they are so sad.



Hi -

Just read your post; you probably found out by now, but just in case no:

- The movie opens with a man's hands laying individual rocks on top of a pile of rocks, burying something; then we see a dead guy's hand poking out from under the rocks, and the camera sweeps out to show Richard Gere doing the burying. He makes his way back "home" and the story continues from there.

Great movie!


My favorite part is when the judge had that guy thrown in jail for 60 days. I loved it!




my fave part was when jack was asking (in a very nice and flirtatious way) laurel stuff about orin (like 'did he get this close to you?' or 'did you kiss him?') and they were making fun of it. jack was teasing laurel and they just looked so sweet, like they were wooing each other. :)



My fav sommersby scene is when at the end Laurel is running and say "Jack! i'm here" and Jack's face turns into peace.


Yeh, my fav part is when he is about to be hanged as well, however I did like the sceen when jack aproached his wife for the first time, he had a grand humility about his manourism.


My fave line is:

"I know because-"
"I know because-"
"I know because I never loved him the way I love you"

But, I absolutely loved when Jodie was in the cell and Gere was about to be hanged, and Jodie says "My love". Everytime I watch it, I cry when she says that.

My favorite part would have to be the sex scene when her fingertips/nails are sinking into his back. I am stil wondering if the scene is fake, because she makes it look so real!

"Quid Pro Quo, Doctor"
"Well Clarice. Have the lambs stopped screaming?"


I agree. Richard Gere acted that scene so well. He was so peaceful and calm through the trial and such until the moment he was to be hung. He couldn't bear to leave without Laurel being there. And the raw emotion on his face when he cried out for her makes me cry everytime. And then when she replies, and he gets this overwhelming peace in his face.

Mocking Greenly Productions


I realize you will probably have to watch again to see my favorite part
of this quite intriguing film. Jack makes a request of Laurel to shave off his
beard. Here's where I tell you I have a beard so I know the lay of the land.
As Laurel puts the straight razor to Jack's face covered with shave cream...
it's rather obvious that the beard is already gone. After all, you aren't really watching Sommersby to see a guy get a proper post Civil War shave.
Good flick.


i love those lines as well the

i know because i never loved him the way that i love you

but as strange as it may seem i also like the ending lines when he's about to get hanged just because there touching

Sommersby: Laurel!

Laurel: Jack! I'm here!

overall it was a pretty good movie!


Oh, I know. Those last lines make me cry every time...

Canadian Idiot

