MovieChat Forums > Sommersby (1993) Discussion > who felt sorry for orin?

who felt sorry for orin?

i really loved that character.

of course, he was an intriguer, but bill pullman played that role so believable, i really empathized with this man. it's sad, that we never adept, what he did after jacks death.

what do you think?


I did somewhat.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


Orin seemed like a really damaged guy to begin with. Jodie/Laurel kind of finished him off, which was sad. I kept wondering what he'd done in the war - he seemed not to have served which was unusual.


One time I was in the supermarket and I saw this guy in a rascal scooter. He was obese and had an oxygen tank with tubes up his nose. His eyes were all watery and red he was not a well man. And I felt really sorry for him. Then I looked down and saw that he had a swastika tattooed on his forearm and I though. "Hey *beep* nazis, man." That is how I felt about Orin. I was all kind of sorry about his situation and then he turned out to be in the Klan and I was like "oh screw the Klan."

The best revenge is living well.


I agree with Mac,
At first I felt really bad for him, when he was gimping around on his wooden leg all sad and heartbroken, but when I realized he was in the klan, i lost all the sympathy.


DITTO....religious and racial hypocrisy killed Orin for me! I voted for Jack all the way. He was the reformed character...not Orin.


I also felt sorry for Orin in the beginning. You couldn't blame the guy for feeling hurt because he's been trying to form a relationship with Laurel and was on the cusp of marriage when her husband Jack suddenly returned from the war. My feelings for him changed when he started to act possessive over her and the land he worked on for her. Laurel obviously loved Jack more and moved on with her life but Orin's grudge against Jack grew and he just got uglier in my eyes. What turned me off completely was when it was revealed that he was a KKK member.

I agree that Bill Pullman did an excellent job of portraying that Orin character.

