Matt Doherty in Home Alone?

The kid who played The Head, Matt Doherty, has a credited role as Steffan in Home Alone. Does anyone know who Steffan is? (what scenes is he in?)

Am I right or am I right or am I right? Right? Right?? ~~ Ned Ryerson


There was like 5 or 6 children in the house


I saw Home Alone lots of times growing up and I still can't remember seeing him in the film. I'm pretty certain he wasn't one of Kevin's brothers or cousins though. And he wasn't Mitch Murphy, the kid who gets mistaken for Kevin during the head count, so who the hell is Steffan?


Mitch Murray, kid from the head count, is actually the youngest brother in Overboard. The one who talks like pee wee Herman, and is annoying as sh*t! Lol. "A falsetto child??" Lol.


He was the Mighty Ducks movies


There is a scene where the whole family is in France, and Uncle Frank comes into the room with cocktail shrimp. In the background, standing by the Christmas tree is a young Matt Doherty. He's also in a deleted scene.
