Mike Myers F Bomb

In the scene when the killer is revealed, Mike Myers exclaims " What the *beep* This is the only time I can think of him ever saying this in a movie, am I wrong?


Earlier in the movie he says fuuk you. Referring to Scottish karate.


Which is mostly head-butting and kicking people when they're on the ground. 

"They're either going to run the ball here or they're going to pass it."---John Madden


There's another at the first scene with his parents... i can't place it though, but it's definitely there...


Nah, you're all wrong, except for the original message. It's the only time he says it. Sorry. :-) Just watched it today.


You're wrong. He says it at the Scottish Martial Arts bit. I'm watching it right now. Stop being a dick to everyone. Good day.
