Paul and Rick dancing together.

While I'm sure Paul and Rick would have gotten strange (and very possibly mean/nasty/dirty) looks while they were dancing together (possibly even today), I can't see them being asked to leave a restaurant for doing so in the year the movie came out (1993). I would think that in the 90's a gay couple who was willing to dance publicly in a place like the Rainbow Room (and yes I realize they weren't an actual couple) would not allow themselves to be thrown out if they weren't doing anything wrong. So I can't see anyone asking them to leave. They weren't dancing suggestively or doing anything inappropriate, so why ask them to leave? They could have been, either or both, incredibly rich and could have made trouble for the establishment once they were asked to leave.

I hope what I'm saying makes sense. Maybe if the movie was set a few years before 93, then I could better understand them being made to leave. Though, I don't know what things were like for gay people in the 90's.


Hatred towards gays exists today in 2015. I just saw a news story about a lesbian couple who were refused care for their adopted infant, by a doctor in Michigan, just because they were gay. Sad but true.


I can see why it would seem unbelievable but it's not that much of a stretch of the imagination. Possibly there was a pretence given as to the official reason they were being kicked out but it's not difficult to see that crowd being affronted by their youth, uninhibitedness, and yes, challenge to the heteronormative status quo of the establishment.
