What else is out there?

I love this movie. I love the action. Unfortunately, I'm not as familiar with this genre as I'd like to be. What other movies should I check out?


Being a huge Jet Li fan, check out Contract Killer and Fist of Legend. I think Fist of Legend has some of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, minimal wire work and downright skillful fighters.


Any movies Yuen Wo Ping is involved in as either director or action choreographer. I'm sure you're familiar with Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, but among some of his lesser known works, some of my favs include The Tai Chi Master (aka Twin Warriors) starring Jet Li, Drunken Master (the classic!) starring Jackie Chan, and Tai Chi 2.


The Five Deadly Venoms (Classic)

Once Upon A Time In China I (Jet Li)

Once Upon A Time In China II (Jet Li & Donnie Yen)

The Kid With The Golden Arm (Classic)

8 Diagram Pole Fighter (Classic)

The Legend (Jet Li)

The Hot The Cool And The Vicious (Old School)

The New Legend Of Shaolin (Jet Ji)

The New Dragon Inn (Maggie Chung)


thanks shalgiva for the input!! man, im going to see Five Deadly Venoms, 8 Diagram Pole,a nd The Kid with the Golden Arm. all the rest i have seen and enjoyed.


shogun assassin (clasic)

hero (tarantino is bringing it over, but you can still import it on dvd)

wing chun (one of michelle yeoh's best, probably have to import, woo ping classic)

maginificent buther (may also be hard to find, woo ping clasic)

drive (mark dacascos, not really a good story line, but the fighting is pretty bad ass, only get this if you can't find any of the others mentioned)

He whips out his sword and relieves his victims of their heads!!


'Hero' kicked ass.
'Wing Chun' had good action. But no real bad guy.
'Drive' put me to sleep. Most US action movies are slow.
Shogun Assassin I have yet to see. But hope to see soon.


Master of The Flying Guillotine (This is where they stole the awesome pole fighting scene at the end of Iron Monkey. Jimmy Wang Yu)

Blood of the Dragon (Jimmy Wang Yu again. The final fight scene in this is to die for. A lot like Kill Bill's Crazy 88 scene.)

The Street Fighter (Japanese, not Chinese, so different, more serious, but incredible martial arts. Sonny Chiba.)

Shogun's Ninja (Chiba again. This is pure cheese, but incredible enjoyable.)

Any Bruce Lee movies (Especially Return of the Dragon)


Master of The Flying Guillotine (also one of my fav's) The long arm Indian was cool. But died to soon.

I just saw

Fist Of The White Lotus (3 Great Fight Scenes Between Lo Lieh and Gordon) Classic

Master Killer (Gordon and Lo Lieh again) Great training scenes

Executioners From Shoalin (Almost the same movie a Fist Of The White Lotus with the same cast.

Dirty Ho (Classic) Gordon Lui a conman pretending not to no Kung Fu. Must see


Forget Shogun Assassin, it's just the first two films of the Lone Wolf And Cub series butchered into one and dubbed. The full series is not to be missed however, although it's Japanese samurai swordplay rather than kung-fu. The full series is: Sword Of Vengeance, Babycart At The River Styx, Babycart To Hades, Babycart In Peril, Babycart In The Land Of Demons and White Heaven In Hell.



You've been given a lot of good choices with some excellent martial artists (Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, etc.) I just wanted to throw two more names into the mix. Yuen Baio and Sammo Hung.



Yuen Baio hasn't had a lot of success by himself, but he's almost as insane as Jackie Chan and a lot more agile.

Sammo Hung weighs over 240 lbs, but he moves like he's 160.

Jackie, Sammo and Yuen came from the same Chinese Opera school. They also made a few movies together. These movies are Kong Kong classics.

Wheels on Meals - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087578/

My Lucky Stars - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0089177/

Dragons Forever - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093015/

Here's a little bit of trivia:

Jackie, Sammo and Yuen all appear in Enter the Dragon. See if you can find them.


According to Jackie Chan's autobiography, when Yuen Biao came to the Peking Opera School, acrobatics came to him far more naturally than it did for any of the other students. I can't remember, but I think he was the one who fell asleep once while standing on his head during drills.


Some of my favourite titles I haven't seen in this topic yet:

- Burning Paradise
- Moon Warriors
- Ashes of time
- Brotherhood of the wolf (a French film, but stars Marc Dacascos and has some great fight scenes, and a great story by the way)
- The Blade (still don't know wether I like this one. Too little really good fight scenes but an overwhelming visual style. Guess I have to check it out a couple of more times)
- Police Story (not a "real" kung fu movie but simply one of Jackie Chan's best)
- And I surprised myself by liking Gorgeous, also from Jackie Chan. A simple, but lovable, story and some great fight scenes, but the humour felt more subtle then in most of Jackie's movies.

And you really should check out Touch Of Zen at least once. It's a bit slow, but very beautiful. Don't expect an all-out fight movie though.

I liked the put-5-movies-into-one-and-dub-it-over version of Shogun Assassin. The story is now somewhat more compact and the dubbing adds to the quirkiness of it all. Beautifully shot and acted, yet at the same time almost cheesy, because of the dubbing and music. Pff, I dunno, I just loved it. Be sure to check out the "Liquid Swords" album by The Gza (of the Wu Tang Clan), if you liked this (or the other way around).

Twin Warriors is a must see indeed.

But since there seem to be a couple of afficinados here; is Ninja in the dragons denn any good? I'm just curious.


Hey Mate!
If you have seen Hero and enjoyed it, then House Of Flying Daggers is a must! By the same director it is amazing! Great colours used again and awesome fight scenes!


This is not really on subject, but if you havnt, go get Zatoichi, Sonatine, and Fireworks. I think Kitano is one of the best Eastern Directors out there. I do agree on Ping though, his action sequences are some of the best. Look at all "The Matrix" fighting scenes, while they are "dumbed" down with wire, still have alot of complex martial arts going on. Thats why I liked "The Matrix Reloaded" it had alot of great fight scenes, that are more enjoyable, the third of fourth time viewing.



Mystery of Chessboxing, Fatal Flying Guillotine, Legend of a Fighter, Thundering Mantis, plus what they said.

Do, or do not. There is no try.



Well at least now you've got the smug satisfaction of knowing you were the first.

Do, or do not. There is no try.



despite what someone else said I think you'd enjoy 'Drive' with Mark Dacascos, really great fight choreography, and I enjoyed him in 'Crying Freeman', despite the story being a bit erm, lame? And one of my favourite films full stop is 'Brotherhood of the Wolf' (a.k.a. Pacte Des Loups)- not a great deal of martial arts, but what there is is first class, and a really great story to boot! And you may not be a fan of Jackie Chan, but you really should see 'Legend of Drunken Master' (a.k.a. Drunken Master 2) as there is less humour than a normal Jackie Chan film, and again, the fighting is excellent!Jet Li's Fist of Legend is also first rate. You may also enjoy 'Black Mask' with Jet Li as a sort of anti-hero cum spy.

Oh and to the person above asking about Ninja in the Dragons Den? yeah it's good - just watch out for the stilt fighting!
