Not in Top 250?

but "Crash" is at #165?



Crash was hyped, is shorter, more mainstream and simpler. Short Cuts wasn't as hyped, is longer and less contrived and more matter of fact. And it's MUCH better than Trash, er Crash.


Aww come on, they're both too different to compare. Why is everyone so quick to judge Crash based on the ONE thing it has in common with Short Cuts??? I personally love 'em both for different reasons, but I will certainly give Short Cuts more credit for being one of the first of its kind.
"Don't fck with me, I guarantee you I'm crazier."


You will slowly learn that many great movies do not make the Top 250, young one. Those tend to be the best films too; the ones that slipped off the mass-consciousness radar of one of the biggest movie appraisal sites on all of "teh internetz!1!!1!!".


but "Crash" is at #165?



I don´t think that you are serious at all to compare the two films. If you should argue about underrating, then do it for "Short cuts" alone.

Personally I do agree a lot though. To me it´s a clear 10. My reasons: The size of this whole "puzzle" from Carver/Altman and the way it is mastered through 3 hours without one second of boredom. The mixture of social and human backgrounds from the characters. The whole plot, the crew and the clear basic line in the film makes it terrific to me. Maybe the best film ever based on short cuts.

I just went to see who got the Oscars 1993 in order to understand why it didn´t win any. Steven Spielberg won the best director award with "Schindlers list". They are both good films, but Altman should have won with "Short cuts" due to my opinion.

Short cuts is in my top 10, sooooo........ you know what I mean.


I love this movie. I can't get enough of it. It's an actor's dream this kind of film, it lets you create a character who thinks and breathes and has flaws and peculiarities. Sex is a great big theme in this movie, and we learn about many of these characters by how they deal with their own sexuality and sexual evolution.

Altman is the grandfather of this kind of movie; the "hyperlink" movie, with tons of characters and overlapping dialogue. It bugs me that this isn't in the top 250, but without Altman, "Magnolia", which is in the top films, would've never been made, and we would never have been treated to "Boogie Nights", or movies like "Crash", "Babel", and "Traffic".

Impressionism isn't a favorite of mass audiences, and you need enough of those folks to turn "Short Cuts" into top 250 material. Most people in the mainstream find these kind of movies boring. "Nothing happens", as if "things happening" only counts when you're either chasing someone or being chased yourself. "Short Cuts" has a million things happening in it, from one great scene to the next. As long as you're curious about human behavior and get into it on that level, this movie is an easy 9 or 10 for you, but for audiences trained to digest movies with basically the same 2 or 3 formulas, it jars those people all to hell.

Too bad, cause I've watched this at least 15 times now, and it never gets old; in fact, it deepens with time.

Robert Altman was a diamond in the ruff, I tell ya.

