Some thoughts

I just re-watched The Secret Garden and just wanted to comment on a few things-

1. The production design in this film is just SO good. The way they portray the huge, scary manor and everything about the scenery is so perfect. The way they used the empty moors

2. I love that in this version they make the Garden so overgrown and wild, not like the typical four walled garden you see in a lot of versions.

3. The score by Zbigniew Preisner (forgive me if I'm misspelling that) is just phenomenal. It gives me chills every time I watch this movie.

4. The costumes are also fantastic. I LOVE Mary's dress from the first scene when she is in India.

Okay no real questions. Just wanted to rant about how much I love this movie. (WHICH IS A LOT). I think this film really captures the innocence and beauty of childhood.


I love all the things about it that you do! The garden especially - I feel like they did a great job of making the garden itself sort of a character in the movie. Also, the score is on my top 10 all-time favorite. I bought it on Amazon and listen to it all the time at work.

"Why is it that every time I need to get somewhere I get waylaid by jackassery?"
