Tom's mother

Reading several reviews and comments on the movie, I noticed that some of the viewers stated that Tom's mother was killed during the abduction, while at least one ( suggests that she died of grief after Tom was taken away. It's been a long time since I've seen the movie, so I can't recall the details myself...what exactly DID happen to Tom's mother?

"Little do they know how little I know about the little there is to know." - Neddy Seagoon


I think its likely she was taken or killed. Not during the abduction but possibly after. After Tom is taken away he seems to go through a serious of tests or analysing machines. One of which seems to scan him and identify his mother who has a label code. It brings up an image of his mother on a screen and then the words "Terminate File" or similar come up. However you never truly find out what exactly happens to her as you never see her again after the abduction and other than his father weeping over her picture later on, no other mention is made. So its really up for speculation. But that scene with the word Terminate and her ID code made me think that this was set in some kind of strict totalitarian state where everyone is a number. And all those experiments in the lab seems like they have some weird interest in biology or tampering with species or something. So perhaps because of her miscarriage and 'unusual' child she was deemed to be inferior and not worthy of living in their rigid society? The fact that Tom was taken away at all kind of spells that their society is pretty strict and devoid of human rights. Or maybe she was taken away to another lab to see if she could create more 'unusual' children for test subjects... But I am just guessing, nothing is officially said or shown so anyones guess is as good as mine. I wish we'd found out.


Good point, I was wondering about that myself when I saw the father looking at her picture... somehow I'd forgotten that scene where her ID is erased. I guess your interpretation is the correct one - she has been taken away and killed by the 'government' presumably for producing the child (I guess as she was artificially inseminated the father doesn't have the same fate)


If you look at the images around the main screen which shows the mother´s file, you´ll see images of someone being cut open. I guess that´s her. I may be wrong, but it´s still a powerful image.

John Wayne was a fag
