MovieChat Forums > Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993) Discussion > Josh Waitzkin wins Middleweight World Ch...

Josh Waitzkin wins Middleweight World Championship in Martial Arts

International Master (IM) Josh Waitzkin won the Middleweight World Championship Title in Tai Chi Chuan Push Hands (Fixed Step), and became the Middleweight World Co-Champion in Chuan Push Hands (Moving Step), after competing in the 7th Chung Hwa Cup International Tai Chi Chuan Championship on December 5, 2004.


It must be nice to be brilliant in several different areas.


LOL!!! I've never been brilliant in one area, so I wouldn't know.

"If you ever injected truth into politics you'd have no politics." Will Rogers




he's super cool that dude


He is cool but it's a shame he dropped out of chess. Seems that he concluded that he would never make it to grandmaster and was like, Fuck it, I'm out.


nevertheless one of my fav matches

Waitzkin vs E. Frumkin (1987)
so good ! it seems black just overestimated the youngster.. the queen sac is pretty obvious
