Disgusting garbage.

This is one of the worst and most disgusting films I've ever seen. It has no artistic value. It is cheesy, contrived, predictable and nothing more than a vapid, empty, exploitative recreation of the holocaust to elicit the lowest form of human emotions. It is crass in its execution, the cinematography doesn't flow nor is it natural, every frame, specially those extreme closeups of actions feel like Spielberg is violently grabbing you by the arm and forcing your head into looking at what he wants you to look at. Absolutely terrible. The black and white is horrible too. In short, a godawful film.


you need help


He's a troll.


Read the book first for a history class...
Saw the movie a bit later...
Both were haunting and more disturbing than any 'horror' film ive ever seen
I couldnt disagree more about this one...this was a genius level work by everyone involved...ive not been able to rewatch it because its just horrifying...


His ending monologue is one of the worst things I've ever seen.


I agree to disagree LTEC...this movie really freaked me out...
That little girl in the red dress...just too much man...that scene said all that needed to be said ( the whole story and history were in that single scene)
Really a painful movie...
Brilliant acting too all around!!


Wow, this might be the first time I somewhat agree with you. Exploitative melodrama, just like Saving Private Ryan. I guess the black-and-white cinematography fits with the overall tone of the movie.


saving private ryan, another garbage. They both look like amateur productions compared to golden age hollywood.


Let me guess, golden age Hollywood is any film before 1970...


of course. Film from 1968 onward is new wave filmmaking.




As the boss from Office Space would say:

"Ooooo...yeah...I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there."

Schindler's List is a masterpiece.


oh really, and why is that?


There's really no way to win this argument. If you didn't like Schindler's List...that's just your opinion.


I don't base it on my opinion but on facts, for instance the film uses the realistic style cinematography which is a constant reminder of someone directing the film, which undermines narrative.


There is no way to win the argument because the whole schtick of LetThemEatCake is to be a retarded contrarian. Every post is the same.


The movie is kinda OK (especially the toilet scene) but the genre tags are all wrong. Should be "Fantasy, Sci-Fi".


You've been reported shithead.


Sure! Why would you be different than all those Europeans reporting the poor jews to Gestapo! ;))


The Holocaust (and G-dard's idiotic rant, which you're badly paraphrasing) is the worst and most disgusting events ever seen. It had no artistic value. It was contrived, predictable and nothing more than a vapid, empty, exploitative recreational project to cure Germany of its "Jewish problem" and to elicit the lowest form of human emotions against all the undesirable people targeted. It was crass in its execution, the extermination process did not flow nor was it natural, it was extreme, people were violently grabbed and forced onward to certain death. Absolutely terrible. The black and white ashes were horrible too. In short, a g-dawful event that nobody has learned from.


i thought it was ight. made me cry at the end

