MovieChat Forums > Rudy (1993) Discussion > Joe Montana on Rudy

Joe Montana on Rudy

Reality check from Joe Montana.


It's a movie, of course they embellished a few things for a more dramatic effect. If they told the real story it wouldn't have made as much of an impact on people.

As far as them carrying him off the field "as a joke" that probably is true, but I'm sure they were still happy for him that he got to make one play after all the hard work he put in to make it on the team.

Not sure why he's all of sudden saying this 17 years later. *beep* Joe Montana.

"Guns for show, knives for a pro."



Who peed in Joe's cheerios this morning?

Montana's upset that Hollywood hasn't made a movie about him.

I'm sure what he says is true about all players working hard, but Rudy had many other factors not on his side which made us root for him. (size, money, smarts, support from family)

My friend is a huge Montana fan too, he'll have to hear this.


Has Rudy ever came out and talked about it.


he's probably mad that
a) the movie portrays Dan Devine as a jerk when in reality he came up with the idea to dress Rudy
b) the big sack was really a 1/2 sack
c)he gets up to $30k a pop to spread a bunch of embellishments


I'd say nobody peed in his Cheerios LOL. Joe sounds pretty sincere. Like he's a movie! Much of it simply is not true. But without the imaginary parts, it probably would not made it past the drawing board.


If you've met Rudy for real (I have), you'd know why.


Get back to your low budget Sketchers commercials, Joe.


Just curious, how was Rudy in person? Based on your comment, he was rude. Was that the case?


Has Rudy ever came out and talked about it.

Yes he has. It's on the Special Edition DVD. There are several things that were embellished, of course, but the general idea is more accurate than, say Remember the Titans. Just listen to Rudy himself tell the story.

That's my corn out there! You guys are guests in my corn!


Why they made a movie about this spazz, rather than one of the greatest QBs ever to suit up, I don't know.



Joe Montana really is a major league douche bag. I heard he wanted money to attend his high school reunion. Please click on
for his criticism of the movie "Rudy". Montana probably spends his free time telling every child that there is no Santa Claus. Even if the movie "Rudy" was a huge steaming pile of poop Montana looks like an a-hole by harshly criticizing it. It was a MOVIE, not a documentary. Egomaniacs like Montana usually despise anything that is not all about them. And I heard he was not popular with his college or pro teammates because he was selfish and aloof. But he knows how to act like a nice guy when there is a camera in front of him.


Chill out, Joe. You have 4 Super Bowl rings, Rudy only got two plays. Leave it alone.



If a four-time Superbowl winner can only piss sour grapes over a guy who never even had much of a chance of getting into Norte Dame-du-Lac, much less making the walk-on team, my respect for him is now zero.

Get over it, Mr. Montana, and get a life. Your football glory days are over, and those as a mature adult have yet to begin. Millions of dollars do not a man make. And to think I used to admire you.

You're a sad wreck of a man who never grew up. I hope your sons fair better.


Didn't Montana charge people for his autograph in the 90's?

A movie on Montana would never work because he won. Underdog stories make the best movies.




As the old saying goes, "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." I go to the movies to be entertained. I don't think for a single second that any "true story" I have ever seen doesn't have a little (or a lot) of embellishing to make the story more entertaining, no matter if it's at the movies, on TV, or in a newspaper article. If you want the absolute truth to be told, good luck with that. Every story is according to to one telling it. Get twenty people to witness an event and they'll all tell you a different version of what happened.

Here is a partial transcript of the interview with Joe Montana:

Interviewer: Were you there when Rudy was there?

Montana: Yeah. It's a movie, remember. Not all of that is true.

Interviewer: What wasn't true?

Montana: Well, the crowd wasn't chanting. No one threw in their jerseys. He did get in the game. He got carried off [at the end of] the game. [...] Back then they tried to play someone at the end of [the season] that all the seniors could get in the last home game. The schedule was kind of set that way.
So he got in. He did get a sack. And then the guys carried him off, just playing around. I won't say it was a joke, but it was playing around. He worked his butt off to get where he was and to do the things he did. But not any harder than anyone else.

So Joe Montana didn't see it exactly the way it was told in the movie. So what, it was pretty close. He did get in the game, he did get a sack, and he did get carried off the field by his teammates. Close enough for me.


Joe Montana is a douche. He refused to appear at a Super Bowl XL reunion of Super Bowl MVPs because he was unhappy with the appearance fee. 30 of the previous 34 Super Bowl MVPs were content with the fee and participated in the pregame ceremony. The only exceptions were Montana, Terry Bradshaw, Jake Scott, and the late Harvey Martin.
