Ara Parsegian

Why did Coach Parsegian quit? The movie never goes into detial why.

Also if any one might know and could tell me; What did Coach Dan Devine think of Rudy, and how did Rudy get to play in the last game. I know the movies way was not the actuall way it happend. If any one might know please explaned.

Go Irish.


You should try Google sometime. You can find loads of information.

I learned that after coaching Notre Dame 1964 - 1974, Parsegian went on to be a commentator for ABC Sport 1975 - 1981, then something else after that.

As for your other questions, there are threads discussing them.

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


Thank you. I will.


I read years ago it was because of his health.


Ara Parshegian was burned out from coaching ND where a National Championship is expected every year.

As far as Devine, the movie made him look like a real A-hole, in reality he was planning on letting Rudy dress for a game and the players NEVER turned in their jerseys like they did in the film.

"17 days!? We're not going to last 17 HOURS!!" -Pvt. Hudson


Yes, Devine went on record stating he was upset with how he was portrayed in the film. And he added that any player who turned in their jersey like that would not have played in the game, or words to that effect -- so you are correct that the scene was a fabrication.

Parseghian worked extremely hard at the job and was the best ND head coach since Leahy. Yet some unreasonable people still criticized him, expecting not only a win in every game but also a win by a big margin. He looked as though he were aging much more rapidly than his years. In the modern era, a stay at ND comparable in length to Ara's is about all that can be expected, partly due to the heavy demands of the position.


Even if the jersey dropping scene did happen, Devine could not back up his claim of suspending everyone. Not unless he was willing to forfeit the GT game due to lack of players.


All Devine would have had to do would be suspend the FIRST guy who walked in and put his jersey on the desk, and that would have been the end of it.

College football players (and especially at ND) are very very self-oriented, many of them (in this case) had aspirations to play pro football, and the idea that they would have risked suspension, being kicked off the team, losing full-ride scholarships, and being branded as a "troublemaker" by NFL scouts, in order so a scrub like Rudy could dress is beyond preposterous.

Sure they probably would have supported the idea of him playing, but if Devine had said, "forget about it or you get to sit out too," that would have been the end of it.

About Ara Parseghian, he quit because he felt the pressure and stress was killing his health. Since he is still alive and reportedly healthy at the age of 87, it was apparently a pretty good decision.


the Captain(Roland) and that Offensive Lineman Mateus guy were awesome, it would have sucked if they would have been suspended or thrown off the team for disrespectfully thrown their game jerseys on the Coach's desk..again , those two players are really awesome.


Being head football coach of Notre Dame has to be one of the toughest jobs in coaching. They are expected to win the national championship every season while maintaining high academic standards. Bob Davie was fired despite having a winning record. He won, but not enough. Ty Willingham and Charlie Weis suffered the same fate. Dan Devine, Gerry Faust, Lou Holtz and Bob Davie were the other Notre Dame head football coaches after Ara Parseghian. All of them resigned from the job. Holtz is the only one who lasted more than six seasons. He achieved a 100-30 record in 11 seasons for a .765 record and won a national championship. Dan Devine was made out to be the heavy in the movie "Rudy". Lou Holtz really is an a-hole. He intimidated team doctors into clearing players to play. He also had injured players removed from the athletic dorms to intimidate them. He seems like a nice old guy on ESPN. Don't believe the hype.


Ara Parsegian resigned because of health reasons. It was obviously a good move, because he's still alive and well at 89.
