How can this be rated so high?

First and even second one are good and goofy entertainment but this third one is a total turd. I actually liked Plan 9 From Outer Space better than this in every aspect. 1 out of 10.


Come on! just watched it, it's not that bad the acting is a bit better then the first and the lead girl is pretty hot even if she is dead :)


A hot lead does not make a good movie. Megan Fox has already taught us that. :/


I think the rating has went up. Last I checked I think it was in the 3 or 4s. Could be wrong. But I *beep* love this movie.

See you at the party, Richter!


watch the uncut version.



The 3rd movie is very different from the first two, of that there is no doubt. But the story is original, and the two main characters are good.

I first saw the 3rd movie many years ago in the 90's, when I was a kid. It wasn't my favorite neither. However, the movie is original and memorable. And now days, I remember it as having a few of the creepiest scenes I've seen in horror movies, such as when the store cashier becomes a zombie, the sewer scenes and the zombie that got out of the canister and attacked the guard.

I have the movie on DVD, because it's good enough and good enough to watch again. The first 3 movies are good. I can't say the same for the last two.


As of now it's averaged at 5.9 and how I have no idea. I gave it a 3 and that is probably too high.



because its the best zombie sequel since night of the living dead 1990

spectre can

suck it.


This was a great movie. Those that say they didn't like either didn't get it, were hoping for something like the first two, or didn't appreciate the spin it took on the zombie genre.


I thought it was great. Much better than Part II. In fact, I think it may grow to become one of my favorite horror sequels once I watch it more times.
