Ribin Williams

what happened with robin williams in this film? why isn't he making genie?
and strange enough he does in "Aladdin III"


I forgot the whole thing, but they explain it in the "trivia" on the Aladdin page.

"You know, the one with the holes in it and Shia La(boof)" -Shawn in Psych


he fell out with the bosses of disney
so in stead the voice of Dan Castellaneta aka the voice of.hormmer simpson did the voice


he didn't want to be credited for the first movie, but when they did he was pissed and didn't return for the second one.

x-men 4 script:


"he didn't want to be credited for the first movie, but when they did he was pissed and didn't return for the second one."

No it wasn't that he did not want to be credited (that would be daft). The problem was that he agreed to do the film at standard union rate providing that his voice was not used on any merhandise that he film generated (but they did use it). He was always going to be credited on the film itself.
