Genie's Can't Kill

So the other day me and my friends were finding some way to kill time and this led to us poppin in return of jafar. Afterwatd I started a conversation that left my friends brawling simply by the mass analysis of a disney film.

Ok lets see what you guys think.

A Genie can't Kill... But you would be suprised what you can live through.

Now my question relates to wheather to rule applies only for a direct kill?

If Jafar does an action which leads up to alladin falling over a waterfall is it Jafar's fault that there happened to be a waterfall near by.

Now that was just to open your mind. At the end of the movie Jafar makes lava appear all over the place. Our heros are all on individual rocks sorrounded by lava. If one was to say fall into the lava, would that qualify as a direct kill for jafar? would it hurt? could it kill? afterall jafar isnt killing them the lava that he created is killing them.

so here comes the million dollar question? the lamp qualifies as Jafar's life, and Jafar puts his own lamp at risk by creating the lava. Although I am quite sure that none of our heros could be hurt by the lava due to jafar not being able to kill anyone. this rule does not apply to the lamp. The lamp falls into the lava that cannot kill anyone and end up killing jafar. Can a genie commit suicide, if a genie cant kill. Because due to the way that it is all set up they do make it look like a genie could destroy his own lamp. why be a slave when you could just set up lava around your own lamp and wait for it too fall?

ok im done.


A genie can indirectly kill someone. Your last point proves it. If he couldn't indirectly kill someone he couldn't kill himself. If the person falls in lava its not murder because it was their fault the fell in.



It's a bit like reading the fine print in a contract,viz, Genies can't kill people...but there's nothing to stop them creating the situation (lava pits), or conviniently leaving a weapon around.

The Big Blue Genie was much too good natured to take up the afore mentioned points.

Formerly "Lehmunade"


Your last question is a good one, it's been bugging me for years. Why put your lamp/your life on a tiny rock floating in a lava??? And he saw it fall and bounce down, instead of screaming noooooo, he should have wiped out the lava or create a ledge to catch the lamp!!

But the answer to all of this is just....THE MOVIE'S STUPID! The ones who wrote it are at least, its a stupid Disney sequel, with a stupid Disney ending.

"Shmee, I think there's something wrong with this world...."



Maybe he wasn't trying to kill him, maybe he was just trying to hurt him as much as possible.


genie's I guess can hurt you like he smoked Iago. AND for when JAsmine tried to get the lamp, he blasted at her to try to stop her. WAs he trying to kill or hurt her. JAfar just opened the earth and the lava was there, so he did not really create the lava. It is trie genies can't kill like when jafar was freed he said all the power in the universe and I'm bound by the rules of the genie, which means I cannot kill taht upstart aladdin unless I have soemone arranged for me. But he tells Abis mal (when he almsot frees jafar, but stops), how will you stay alive if you don't and when abis mal said you said genies can't kill, jafar says you'd be surprised what you can live through. Genie says that same quote when jafar;s hands turn to dragosn, and iago says that when aladdin says I thought genie's couldn't kill anyone. What does this you'd be surprised what you can live through mean? as everyone says, it seems jafar can set it up so that something can lead to the person's death rather than kill them.


Well, perhaps genies can't kill PEOPLE... but they can kill genies :o

_-___--- _--__-_- _--__-_- _--_-_-- __-_---_


There's always a loop hole, people. On the Nickelodeon show Fairly Oddparents, they are not allowed to grant Timmy wishes for money because that would be, quote "counterfeiting"... BUT if Timmy really wanted to he could wish for a machine that could print 100% convincing copies of money and in turn wish that there was no way for people to find out that it was fake. He's still getting counterfeit money and spending power, but he's NOT wishing for money! This is why I don't have fairy godparents.... ;)


it's like how Genie can't make people fall in love. He couldn't make Jasmine fall in love with Aladdin, but he made Aladdin a prince with the intention of making her fall in love with him/marry him. It's the same situation, a Genie can't kill someone but can create a scenario with the intention of killing someone... i think.


Well, Jafar could have hurt them enough to where they would have been in a vegetative state or what if it was wished that a genie give someone aids?


that wouldn't work because its inevitable that the person would die as a direct cause of the AIDS. With making Aladdin a prince, Jasmine still has to choose to love him, whereas wishing AIDs upon someone, the Genie has pretty much sealed their fate right?


You all are so wow.

Genies CAN kill but you CAN'T wish for them to kill anyone.


When Abis mal freed jafar, JAfar pointed out he cannot kill that upstart aladdin, genie tells carpet genies cant kill and Abis mal reminds JAfar he said genies cant kill. But A genie can set it up so that somethign else kilsl them, like opening up the earth and them falling in the lava, or leading to aladdin to fall off the waterfall or transport abis mal to where there is a shark. IE genies can cause somethign else to kill them.


In RoJ itself they implied that the only reason Iago wasn't killed by Jafar is that he was prevented to by that rule. So you could argue that the characters interpreted what happened wrongly, but they did imply that this was the case.


In the series episode "Some Enchanted Genie", Abis Mal wishes for a genie to turn Aladdin into a bug so he can squish him. She ended up being prevented from granting the wish for an unrelated reason, but it did look like she was going to grant it, so in that case it would seem that an indirect kill like that wouldn't count. (But she was able to resist granting it for a very long time, so maybe it's a gray area?)

Also in RoJ: Jafar transports Abis Mal to the deep sea near a hungry shark; if he'd ended up leaving him there like he threatened to would that count as killing him?

I remember seeing a post by one of the writers of the original movie, and he said that he considered the limitations to be more like a very strict moral code than an actual inability to kill, etc. So in that case it would come down to whether the genie himself thought that what he was doing was killing or not...


I don't think a Genie can commit suicide. Note that Jafar didn't destroy his own lamp; Iago did.

I think the whole "can't kill" thing comes down to who is actually morally responsible for the death. A genie can create a gun which is then used to kill someone. Because he didn't pull the trigger, he can't be put under any more blame than a gun store owner.

The dangerous pit of lava couldn't kill anyone *unless* they made a choice to risk their lives in it. For example, if Aladdin just stayed put the lava could not kill him because that would be a direct result of Jafar's actions. However, once Aladdin started making dangerous moves to get to Jafar's lamp, that was *his own choice* and the responsibility for his death shifted to him.

I think this is what Jafar was trying to do. He knew he couldn't kill anyone with the lava but he was hoping they would risk their lives to try to reach his lamp and die that way. Since it would be their own choice to go after the lamp, any resulting death would be their own fault.


a genie can't kill but he can hurt someone a lot as long as it doesn't kill them, thats what genie meant

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy


Eh, I always figured that the stipulation about not killing someone was more about wishes than limits on the genie's powers, at least according to the first movie. Thus, the master couldn't say "genie, I wish that so-and-so was dead!" but they could say "genie, I wish for a high-powered, armour-piercing rifle that never misses and to be transported to a great sniping position."

Of course, the second movie sort of f's with that...


Andavë an laiquahaiya nórië ennórë Andúnë pella.
