
Why was Aladdin going to be executed? My friends and I cannot remember, and none of of has a VHS player in our dorm room.

Sometimes when you dream, your dreams come true


Because Jafar set him up and played a trick on him to make Aladdin believe that he killed the sultan when they were on the magic carpet and the sultan fell off ,or was it that he got taken away by Jafar's posse and flying horses?...It was one of those 2, but basically Jafar wanted Al to believe he killed the sultan.

I <3 RBD


Yeah, what that guy said. And also there was a ripped Turban that Jafar ripped himself and yeah... I dont remember much about it either ^^


Ummm....I'M NOT A GUY! Just so you know :)

I <3 RBD


She's not your guy, friend.
I'm new to it.


She's not your friend, buddy.

Hellooooooooooo Johnny Depp!



he's not your guy, friend.


Jesus, what the hell happened to an honestly asked question???

This is the deal about why Aladdin was going to be executed. Aladdin, Carpet, the Sultan, and Iago were ambushed by Abis Mal and Jafar. The latter three characters mentioned were taken prisoner, while Aladdin was left to walk back to warn the others of what had happened. When he gets back, they arrest him for murder of the Sultan.

This is important because Aladdin can't give an alibi, being unconscious half the time. Also, Jafar places the slashed turban of the Sultan in Aladdin's room. Jasmine orders him to be killed after thinking he killed her father. She was mistaken, and found out immediately once she saw Jafar.


No, the order for execution was given by Jafar, disguised as Jasmine.

Even if the real Jasmine had been sure Aladdin killed her father, she's just not the type to execute people, no matter their crime.



Wow I never caught on to that. I was sure that it was the real Jasmine.

It's hard to tell. one scene you have one of the Jasmines walking up some stairs. Then you see the camera move around a bit, and you see the the real Jasmine get chained up and is faced with the fake.

It could go either way, really.


you're mostly right except jasmine never believed aladdin killed her father, jasmine was chained up at the time with her father. it was jafar disguised as jamine who ordered aladdin's execution, the next scene explains this. why would jasmine say "you should have seen the look on aladdins face when jasmine ordered his execution" to jafar as jasmine. it was obviously jafar disguised as jasmine talking to the real jasmine.

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself" Peter Griffin - Family Guy


They actually even show Jafar transform from Jasmine back to his self right after "Jasmine" announces the execution.


even more evidence that the OP ignored

"sir, sir, i gotta check and see if you've soiled yourself, I'll get to you in a moment, sir!"
