Genie's 'Bracelets'

Anyone else notice that the qualifying event for Genie to be freed was the un-locking of the wrist metal and when Jafar became a Genie he acquired them? Well, in Return of Jafar - Genie is proudly sporting the "slave bracelets" again.



he looks way better with the braclets, even if his reason for wearign them in this film is totally not there.



Ya, I think they really just wanted to keep them because he looks better with them. They probably also figured that since the movie is geared towards younger kids, nobody really care.


They probably hoped nobody would notice, too...but yeah...most likely reason is that they forgot...i haven't seen the dvd yet...they MIGHT change it in the dvd...who knows


"most likely reason is that they forgot"

I think you mean the LEAST likely reason is that they forgot. You don't forget something that you spent working hours on a scene which removes them.

And no they're still on the dvd.

I think the answer is obvious:

Genie looks better with the bracelets than without, so they put them back on.


This is always something that has bugged me. The whole purpose of the first film was for Genie to get rid of his bracelets, and in order to keep the look of Genie uniform in all other appearances (not just Return of Jafar but the TV cartoon and other places he's shown up), Disney decided to keep the bracelts on. This, in my opinion denigrates the whole purpose of the entire first film. I know the sequels were geared more towards kids, however, a lot of kids today are smart and a what with the immediateness of video and dvd, a lot of these kids watch the moveis hunreds of times. I'm sure a number of them have noticed the bracelet issue. How do you answer a kid's question regarding this?
It's kinda like when Lucas had Greedo fire first in the Star Wars SE.


The reason for the bracelets staying is because he looks messed up without them. His body just looks empty. Of course, they could have just given him new bracelets with maybe a darker color to show maybe that he got new bracelets, but whatever..


I think he looked better with them on too. Well who knows why they could have forget but maybe disney wanted to keep the cuffs on him because he looks better with them on than without. By the way what movie do you like the best Aladdin, Aladdin the return of Jafar or Aladdin and the king of theives?


Aladdin = Great
Return of Jafar = Stale at times, but decent
King of Thieves = Bad, except for Williams


i think he liked the old ones so he zapped up duplicates, like when people get hate their slave tattoos in a holocaust but show them off later to grandkids


This is always something that has bugged me. The whole purpose of the first film was for Genie to get rid of his bracelets, and in order to keep the look of Genie uniform in all other appearances (not just Return of Jafar but the TV cartoon and other places he's shown up), Disney decided to keep the bracelts on. This, in my opinion denigrates the whole purpose of the entire first film. I know the sequels were geared more towards kids, however, a lot of kids today are smart and a what with the immediateness of video and dvd, a lot of these kids watch the moveis hunreds of times. I'm sure a number of them have noticed the bracelet issue. How do you answer a kid's question regarding this?

Well, bracelets wouldn't only have to be worn as an indication of "genie slavery", right? Just tell your kid that Genie was so used to the bracelets after wearing them for thousands of years that he felt uncomfortable without bracelets on. Say, "It's like if I told you that you didn't have to wear underwear any longer--wouldn't that feel weird to you?" Alternatively, you could explain that it's just like handcuffs. Sometimes people even wear those for pleasure ;-)

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I think in the show he did infact say that was the case. He was so used to the bracelets and he thought that they look stylish so he got new ones.


... 'It looks good, so we'll ignore the plot' ... If that's in the rulebook then why bother with a script AT ALL?! Why not have every character wearing shades because 'it looks cool'?!

An oversight I can forgive, but deliberately inserting continuity errors is ridiculous and smacks of people who don't give a fig about the quality of the final product. Already I've seen people complain about how the film is slapdash in other areas, too. Not surprising given that their 'cutting corners' was the sole reason for RW passing on an immediate return as The Genie. This is another alteration that hinders the film.

When I learned of this, I was tempted to knock a mark off of my IMDB rating, but I'm not a petty man, so its final score grudgingly remains the same. It's little wonder how people moan about Disney struggling to do sequels, though!

"It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage... "


Well, I sure noticed that Jafar wasn't the only thing returning in the sequel, heheh. When I mentioned this to my cousin (we would've been somewhere from 8-10 years old), she said that maybe he wore them out of habit.

Given Genie's shape-changing powers, this kinda makes sense. o_0

'Sides, they do look rather stylish, and I'm betting Genie isn't entirely immune to vanity. (Never knew a male who was, LOL.)



I am 12 and an aladdin fan and i noticed the genie's bracelets just like that! I also noticed that Jafar's hat changed in "The return of jafar" It does not have a feather on it. It's just like the hat he had before but only with no feather and a diomond in the middle.


He had the hat(without the feather) at the end of the first movie after Genie makes him "the most powerful sorcerer in the world."



Of course, the Genie could have bought a new pair of bracelets while he was away. In any case, I think they should stayed consistent and left out the bracelets in the sequels no matter what.


My brother is totally immune to vanity. He has 10 types of the same shirt and pants and wears the same outfit everyday. I don't think it's healthy.

I was just watching Return of Jafar and noticed the wrist cuffs as well. Thought it was incredibly odd and slightly annoying, but I don't think he could have gotten another colour - the gold goes with blue :/
Aladdin is insaaane. Best Disney series ever.


Disney always does that. They want to keep the characters looking the way you know they should look. You saw him in that movie with bracelets on for the majority of the movie. That's why it looked funny. It's almost like a trademark. How many sequels of Beauty and the Beast have you seen where the Beast is human??? You knew the Beast as... well... A BEAST and that's how you are going to recognize him.


Well, I first watched this when I was little (like 7 years old) and I even noticed this right away! It completely ruins the whole freedom thing in the first one. Disney is so lazy to have not even done anything about this! I know he looks better with them which is why he has them here, but they don't even mention this or anything! They just completely ignore it!! They could have at least had someone mention it in which the genie says he thought they were more stylish or something!! It is just sheer lazyness and shows what they think of a standard childs intelect.

if you can't say someting nice at all shut your damn mouth up! -- Kimberly ann





I do believe in one of the TV show episodes that the Genie says that he just wears them for fashion.


"The only slave I am is a slave to fashion...these things look so pretty with a string of pearls." - Genie


lol i noticed that too.

"I'd also like to add that i have my fathers gun and a scorching case of herpes."


Like several other posters, I was 8 when this came out and the bracelet/wrist cuff issue bothered me even then. The logic isn't really explained in the movie but I realize now, if I had been wearing cuffs for hundreds of years, I would definitely feel naked without them. You know that irritating feeling when you forget to put on your watch that you wear every day?

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I was like two years when the movie came out, anyway it never bothered me a bit, he looked naked without them, still I could have gotten use to him with no bracelts
lol so he wears the braclets for fashion purposes
Ah the watch thing, good example
