MovieChat Forums > The Return of Jafar (1994) Discussion > The movies that started it all.

The movies that started it all.

This movie started all those cheap Disney sequels to all those classics. Look I know some of you may like but hey I don't. The animation was done poorly, the songs were forgetful, and everything about it was just so lazy. Aladdin is one of my favorites growing up and it deserves a much better sequel. This signaled the start of Disney selling out. I'm glad they won't be doing these anymore with their President stepping down and John Lasseter at the helm of the animation division. The dark ages are finally over. A new beginning is upon us.



I also like the King of Thieves. That I feel is the true sequel to Aladdin.


I agree. This started a bad trend. Since then Disney has been doing a lot of sequels to its classics. I certainly didn't like this one (I thought it spoiled the first one actually) or Simba's Pride (The Lion King II). I liked King of Thieves a little better. I have avoided watching any others.
