MovieChat Forums > The Return of Jafar (1994) Discussion > Who else thinks Jasmin looks really hot ...

Who else thinks Jasmin looks really hot in red?!

The other day I was perusing through my video collection, and across The Return of Jafar. I loved it when I was a kid... I began to remember the story, and how fun it was, until I remembered the part where Jafar captures Jasmin, and she where's that red dress, instead of her usual blue one. OMG! Seriously! She is by far the hottest disney character! In fact, the hottest cartoon character! Who agrees?


maybe the reply is a bit late...but HELL YEAH!

quoth the black angel: "Ha ha ha."


Shes very very very pretty, but Aladdin is so hott! (I'm a girl though, and you're probally a guys so...) But she is pretty. I like her best in the blue though.

Her wedding dress in movie three was crap. lol


I think you have all gone nuts here!

Razoul is a tank!


Are you kidding? Aladdin? Jafar is so much hotter! That voice...mmm. Of course, I also think that the hottest Disney character ever is Scar, and he's a lion, but Jeremy Irons...mmmm.


Why should I care? I'm a girl not a boy. Besides I don't like anyone.



Okay... Jasmine is way sexy and hot. Aladdin is a hottie as well.

But why did they have to make her look like a man, be cross-eyed, and have sharp ugly features in Return of Jafar? It's been awhile since I've seen the third movie, so I'll assume the same.

She's only semi-attractive when Jafar is pretending to be her. Even then it's so-so.

But first movie? Yeah. Babe. She's one of my favorites to go out of my way to meet at Disneyland. I always have to go and see how pretty the Jasmine is. The Aladdin is never as hot as Jasmine... but that's okay. She's worth it.




You really should mention this at the very beginning!))))))))))))))))))))))))))

reply do realize you're rating cartoon characters right?


Some of you guys should really go to the board for Lion King II, there are some very cool arguments about ppl being mentally ill for being on the board. (It's called Kovu's so hot)

For me, Scar is gorgeus, Kaa is beautiful, and Jafar is sexy as hell.

"Shmee, I think there's something wrong with this world...."


I have actually had arguments with my friends over who is the hottest disney character of all time. I go with jasmine, all though others have made good points for Ariel, but the whole fish thing is sick. Then again, discuss a cartoon characters hotness is sick.



She looked a lot different because of the different color clothes, as well as the arm bracelet and the hair style. It doesn't seem like it at first, but hair styles can drastically alter an appearance. Also, her top seems a bit shorter.

"Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'."


Is OP just making a joke that some people took seriously? Or is he himself being serious? I'm so baffled by the absurdity of this thread, I don't even know what to say. I'm at a loss for words.
