MovieChat Forums > The Return of Jafar (1994) Discussion > Why didn't Jafar just use his powers to ...

Why didn't Jafar just use his powers to lift the lamp out of the pit and

bring it back to him and not risk it falling into the lava?

Signatures suck, don't they? So misleading...




Or maybe he didn't know his lamp could be destroyed so easily, or if so, that that would kill him.


No, he had to have known it would kill him, because he reacted to Iago kicking it into the lava right away. I guess it happened to fast for him to consider using his magic to save it.


I have two theories

1. Jafar didn't notice the lamp was down there until it was too late.

2. Genie can't move their own lamp


I would say since he fried Iago, he didn't think his lamp would be in any danger, until it was too late


#2 made me LOL, but Jafar actually picks the lamp up right before s**t gets real (ordering Abis Mal to wish him free), so I'll go with #1.


A genie can't move or affect their lamp in any way while they're still prisoner to it. He even said to Abis Mal when he was first released, "I must go to Agrabah. You will take the lamp there for me." He was unable to move too far from his lamp and was unable to move it himself.
