MovieChat Forums > The Return of Jafar (1994) Discussion > of JAfar's limitations and this question

of JAfar's limitations and this question

of JAfar's limitations: I Thought Gene's cannot kill anyone yet he opened up the ground that had the lava, and tried to squeeze Aladdin.

Also of RAzoul why was he not phased with the order to execute Aladdin and I wonder how RAzoul reacted when he found out he was duped and the Sultan was not murdered.


Jafar was bending the rules. He can't directly kill anyone, so he created something that could kill someone. He created lava, that's not killing anyone. He's making a floating rock that just happens to have Aladdin on stop bobbing around so it would melt/sink. He's not "killing" anyone. It's a loophole, but he still can't straight out commit murder. This is why when he originally made the land fall into the lava, everything ACCEPT for what anyone living was on fell in, because he couldn't kill. And as for squeezing Genie when he thought he was Aladdin, clearly he wasn't capable of killing Genie like that, but if it actually had been Aladdin, I assume his cuffs would have stopped him like the way they stopped him from wandering too far from his lamp.
As for Razoul, he never liked Aladdin and had a long going grudge against him.


why did RAzoul hate Aladdin, Aladdan had changed from a theif to a hero. and in the end does RAzoul accept Aladdin?

how was Jafar bending the rules?


Because Aladdin constantly made a fool out of him in the first one. He also doesn't think he's worthy of Jasmine, as stated in the beginning of the 3rd one. He sees him as nothing more than a common thug that kept getting the best of him and is suddenly a hero and is marrying into the royal family.


after Aladdin marries Jasmine what happens w him and RAzoul, does he accept Aladdin?


No, the last time we see Razoul, he REALLY hates Aladdin. Razoul was going to be honored for capturing the King of Thieves, Aladdin's father, but Aladdin frees him. Razoul actually tries to kill Aladdin, but his rescued by his father. Razoul then tries to get the sultan to sentence Aladdin for the crime of freeing the King of Thieves. Genie makes some snarky comment about how he should chill out and then straps him to a rocket and blasts him off with a suitcase that may have been filled with money as a bribe. Afterwards, Jasmine gets her father to forgive Aladdin since what he did was out of love for his own father. The last time we see Razoul is at the end during wedding. He looks like he's in a bad mood, but then Jasmine tosses him the bouquet, which surprises him.


when would he accept Aladdin as hasn't aladdin reformed.

OK what would the Sultan have done to Aladdin? he chose to forgive Aladdin it seems, like how often would that happen

what happens to the remaining thieves when their boat sinks.

ok why would the Sultan try to kill Aladdin when he discovers its him, you get approval of that first.


I don't think Razoul will ever like Aladdin, but he has to accept him now that he and Jasmine are married.

I'm unfamiliar with Arabian law. I don't know what the penalty is for freeing a criminal. Jail time? Death? Don't know. But Jasmine states that Aladdin did what he did not to aid a criminal but to save his father, pointing out that she would have done the same for her father. With his daughters support and understanding of Aladdin's motives, the sultan forgives Aladdin for being man enough to face willingly judgement for what he did rather than run as it shows that he's willing to accept the consequences of his actions.

The remaining thieves presumably drowned since they were left in the middle of the ocean with nothing.

It wasn't the sultan that tried to kill Aladdin, but Razoul. Aladdin had disguised himself as his father to draw Razoul's attention. When he found out that it was Aladdin in disguise and what he had done, he became angry and said "I guess I'll have to settle for the prince of thieves. Lets see if the sultan wants you in his family now." Then he raised his sword to strike and Aladdin's father suddenly appeared and knocked him out.

