MovieChat Forums > The Remains of the Day (1993) Discussion > Sort of makes me want to go jump off the...

Sort of makes me want to go jump off the nearest bridge

This movie.


I know exactly what you mean.

Even when we find happiness, it has an unfailing quality of being always elusive.



And how would that benefit you? You're just being nasty without cause.


I know what you mean. It was a very frustrating movie. But please don't jump off a bridge.
It is after all just a movie.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I agree that it is a bit depressing. But doesn't it make you want to live life a little more fully yourself? To make the most of things? That was what I took from it.


Amen to that. :)


Felt the same way last night after I watched it. Just sat there like why the F did I just waste 2 hours of my life on this movie that was supposed to be so amazing. Don't get me wrong, I do love watching Anthony Hopkins act but jeesh, it just droned on not really enlightening me on anything. I wanted to see one damn kiss, one!!!
