Historical Help

Dear All,

Sorry to sound so ignorant (I am) but I was hoping for a pointer as to the history between the two wars.

It was my understanding that it was the hobbling of Germany at the end of the first world war that lead to the rise of Hitler and the second world war. I was just wondering how Germany was able (given its hobbling) to create an army that very nearly took over the whole of Europe and Russia in the short time period from 1918 to 1939.

If anyone can recommend a good book on the matter I would be very grateful. (I'm sure there are many.)

All best, Jon


People believed in Hitler and his promises to fix everything..Germany almost would have follow


him anywhere to get out of its mess.


I've never read this, so I suggest you do a bit of research on it and the author first, but it might be a good place to start.
It sounds like you're looking for information about the Weimar Republic too, so you should check on that as well.

"Leave me to do my dark bidding on the internet!"


Thank you.

