Who was Prince Jump Jugs?

Was he the treehouse dude with the long blonde hair and the beard? I saw this on MST3K I almost fell out of my seat laughing after one of the robots comment after Leonardo DaVinci says "T what are you doing?" and Crow says "Obeying Prince Jump Jugs!"


I think, but don't know for certain, that it is listed above as:

Peter Sands .... Jaamteer

lol I honestly couldn't understand what they were calling him either, but eventually Thena says something like "so prince (whatever) tells me" and it sounded a little like "Jaamteer," so that is what I am basing my guess on.


Yeah, I just re-watched this one and they're definitely saying "jamteer".. just in a really slurred pseudo-british-whatever accent. Does sound like Jumpjuggs though!



The bigger question remains - just what the heck was this guy a prince of! What country, state, kingdom, what have you? Or was he a Prince of Thieves like Robin Hood? Someone please tell me!!!


Well, he was a prince of the same thing that Athena was the princess of, since they're brother and sister.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.
