
Was anybody a LITTLE disturbed that Froglip had the hots for a ten year old girl? 'Cause I certainly was.

Great movie, but yeah, that's kinda freaky...


I guess I'm alone on that one. That's creepy. You know, nobody finding that a little strange and all...


well....if you think about it Goblins have diffent ageing rank, he was really about 13ish yet in human ages he appered like 29. I know alot of Goblin lore. thank you and good night hehe


I see... that explains a lot.

Still a bit creepy though.


Actually, he didn't find her remotely attractive. He just wanted to marry her for the power.
If he did find her attractive, it would be freaky.


Yeah, I don't think he wasn't attracted to her either. It's pretty easy to notice if you pay attention.

At one part the king refers to Irene as ugly and the queen responds with 'We'll just make sure the creature's always covered up so he doesn't have to look at it.'

When Froglip describes keeping her underground he remarks "I may have to suffer, but it would be for the good of all goblins!"

When she closes her door and we see him leaning against the wall and leering, I personally think it was because he knew she would be afraid of him the minute she froze up realizing someone was there.

The part where it gets confusing is when he threatens to wring Irene's neck (and if you pause at a certain point you can see him grab her by the throat when she struggles) and then two seconds later proclaims "She's MINE now!" And during the 'big showdown' on the waterfall he says, "I've come for my princess." My guesses are either he was just referring to her as a possession so that he could marry her and all that, or at some point (anything could have happened while they were off-screen after he sneaks into her room) he really did develop some kind of attraction to her.

I know it's stupid that I'm putting so much thought into a CHILDREN'S movie, but dammit, it's fun. ^_^


During the Middle Ages, most people marry at 16. At least that is what I have heard.


Then you heard something wrong.
In Middle Ages, it was quite normal to be married at age 12 or 13, sometimes earlier ( e.g. 10- or even 7 in really early bloomers like Snow White), sometimes later (e.g. 14-16).
If a girl was not married ALREADY when she turned 16, that would have been quite unusual then.

Pedophilia is not exactly bound on what age the preferred child is, it`s defined by an attraction to really young, little children per se.
While, as to day, no one in their right mind would be attracted to 10-years olds (well, besides somebody who himself is not older than 13), for many TRUE pedophiles, 10-years-olds would be too old.
I depends on the 10-year old, of course. Some 10-year old girls and almost all 10-year old boys would be considered attractive by a pedophile, but, to be sure, at least no girls beyond 12 and no boys beyond 14 would.

I`m not talking to myself- myself just won`t stop talking to I!



God your so bad like me heh i love YOU! HEHE I though same thing hehe and the whole thoat thing you know she likes it rough hehe :-p hehe.


looking back on it as a child i did use to think the goblin had a crush on irene but now i know he was only after her for the supposed power marrying her would have brought him.
